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~Ture Love Wilth Twisted Ends~


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For about two years now my older sister has been married to this guy named Mike. They have a son whom is 4 months old. Well you see the problem is Mike has an older brother named Christopher. When I first met him I was attracted to him and he was attracted to me. But no one in our family wanted up to be together. So for the longest time I've kept my feelings inside of me and over the past two year they have gotten very strong. I've fallen in love with him and I know its true. I know he has feelings for me too because of the way we've always acted around each other. I've expressed my feeling to him, but so that no one else can see them except for him, Then one night around 5:00 Am. We are talking and he pulls me close and looks into my eyes and we kiss and hold each other for hours. Even though time has passed my sister nor brothr-in-law would still never be able to accept me and him together. I tried going out with someone else but it didn't work, I even tried to forget him but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. No one knows about my feeling towards Christopher. But finally it got to the point I couldn't hold these feelings in any longer, so I told Christopher on a slip of paper that I was "in love" with him. I didn't see him for a while because of his work, but when I did see him it felt strange because we couldn't look each other in the eyes and I didn't know if he felt the same or not. We kept our distance and communicaion on low key for awhile, but 3 weeks later when I saw him again he had a girlfriend, whom happens to have a 2 year old son. But he started giving me those looks again and everytime I look his way he is always looking mine....I am so confuse and hurt....I love him with all my heart...In fact I have never loved or cared about someone as much as I do him. what should I do? Please help me out..

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It must be so hard to deal with all this! Sometimes I hate being able to care about someone, because it leaves you open to so much hurt. then again, i think about the good times I have and it makes me feel better.


I don't understand why your familiy doesn't want you and your sister's brother-in-law to get together. I mean, it's not like you're related or anything. But it looks like Christopher is trying to move on, you know? He's got a girlfriend now, after you gave him that slip of paper. Although it might be out of the question, you might want to think about just picking up and moving. If you're in college, transfer...if you're not, get a new job, if you're still in high school...apply to a college away from your town.


I know it sounds like running away, but sometimes it takes time and PHYSICAL distance to get over something like that. It helped me when i broke up with my last boyfriend when I went camping for a month with my family.

For about two years now my older sister has been married to this guy named Mike. They have a son whom is 4 months old. Well you see the problem is Mike has an older brother named Christopher. When I first met him I was attracted to him and he was attracted to me. But no one in our family wanted up to be together. So for the longest time I've kept my feelings inside of me and over the past two year they have gotten very strong. I've fallen in love with him and I know its true. I know he has feelings for me too because of the way we've always acted around each other. I've expressed my feeling to him, but so that no one else can see them except for him, Then one night around 5:00 Am. We are talking and he pulls me close and looks into my eyes and we kiss and hold each other for hours. Even though time has passed my sister nor brothr-in-law would still never be able to accept me and him together. I tried going out with someone else but it didn't work, I even tried to forget him but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. No one knows about my feeling towards Christopher. But finally it got to the point I couldn't hold these feelings in any longer, so I told Christopher on a slip of paper that I was "in love" with him. I didn't see him for a while because of his work, but when I did see him it felt strange because we couldn't look each other in the eyes and I didn't know if he felt the same or not. We kept our distance and communicaion on low key for awhile, but 3 weeks later when I saw him again he had a girlfriend, whom happens to have a 2 year old son. But he started giving me those looks again and everytime I look his way he is always looking mine....I am so confuse and hurt....I love him with all my heart...In fact I have never loved or cared about someone as much as I do him. what should I do? Please help me out..
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