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Wife Got Drunk Pushed Very Hard 2 go to Strip Club Now She is Angry

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What I want to know is what in the hell kind of a strip club did you go to where the stripper let you touch and rub her and LICK her NIPPLES?!?! Sounds to me like you were in a brothel rather than a regular strip club. Ew. :sick:


I can not believe what I am reading.....this s**t is so funny!!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

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if I let it go like this. It seems like just moving on would leave some unresolved feelings, but she seems like she is too immature and not capable of discussing these feelings in a mature and productive manner. I am very concerned. I am thinking about sending an e-mail telling her I love her and do not want anything to change between us without directly going into detail about what happened. I feel like I should not let her off that easy for encouraging me and then turning on me. However, I can empathise and can see where she is coming from. If it were reversed (I'd never do what she did that night, drunk or not). I would have insecurities, concerns, regrets, etc. and can see she is in a difficult situation. I can be the bigger person and because I love my wife so much let her off the hook so to speak. Thoughts?


I think there are some SERIOUS unresolved issues here. Have you guys considered MC, or at least IC for your wife? Your W needs to examine herself, why did she puch so hard for this, and WHY did she act so crazy afterward? One of the most important things in marriage is communication. You can't just shove this under the rug as if it never happened. It DID happen, you can't change that. Now you both need to deal with the emotions and issues it has stirred up. Otherwise it may come back to haunt you in the future. The past does not just disappear because you don't talk about it. There is something major going on in your wife's head and you both need to understand what it is.

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I often secretly thought about asking him to take me to a strip club, and even to go so far as both of us having lapdances. I'm not bi or bi-curious, I just knew that if he expressed his lust for a better looking girl in such an explicit way then the ammo I'd have against him would be absolutely f**king priceless. That would allow me to punish him for days for being attracted to other girls, and to punish myself for not looking a certain way.


Boy, remind me not to start a relationship with you. Speaking personaly, I have not been inside a strip club since meeting my wife, and I'm not really interested in that sort of thing. My wife & I have discussed strip clubs, and while she'd be concerned about why I'd want to go by myself (like I just said - I don't), she would be OK with me visiting with a group of guys if that's what they wanted to do. My feeling is that this would be OK, but I would just sit back and people-watch. I would not buy a lap dance myself because I consider that to be sexual interaction with another person, even if it's a "no touch" dance.


More than once my wife has suprised me by saying she's like go to a strip club with me and get a lap dance for both of us (she says she is bi-curious). This has not happened yet, and I'm a little uncomfortable because she is overweight and very insecure about it. Still, technically this would not be cheating because she wanted to do it, and neither of us would be hiding anything from the other.


But I would never tolerate her being angry at me over a lapdance that she wanted to get. She has to take responsibility for her own choices.

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More than once my wife has suprised me by saying she's like go to a strip club with me and get a lap dance for both of us (she says she is bi-curious). This has not happened yet, and I'm a little uncomfortable because she is overweight and very insecure about it. Still, technically this would not be cheating because she wanted to do it, and neither of us would be hiding anything from the other.


But I would never tolerate her being angry at me over a lapdance that she wanted to get. She has to take responsibility for her own choices.


Well, good luck in taking the logical approach. It may not hold up too well when confronted with the slightly more twisted female mentality...or maybe thats just me :confused:.

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