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Finally...the talk!

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To update anyone interested, he finally agreed to a real sit-down talk with me, we're planning to do it tomorrow. I don't for sure that he got my pathetic message saying I'm not good enough for him (as if I really believe that..WTF?)...but in the same message, I asked about his friend who crashed here for a week, and what's going on with that. The next day, the friend suddenly went home...so I get the impression he got the message then...he's being perfectly nice and civil to me though. He also seems a bit on the anxious side like me, to get everything out on the table...I don't know what I'm expecting, but I'm preparing to feel rejected...in a way it doesn't matter, long as I get to say everything I feel...I'll be back to update, thank you everyone hope all is well!:rolleyes:

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you'd better update us...sheesh i've been waiting so long for this :)


got an update got u too...I'll e-mail u tonight



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I can not wait to hear your update Hope. I've been feeling a twist coming on I swear!



No talk yet; its a holiday so tom's been spending it with his daughters since last night...today they went to visit some family. Part of me wished he'd invited me, but I guess he didn't think to. Why should he right? But last night they went to get something to eat, and I got home late, but he asked if he could get me anything while he was out, I said no but thank you...kissed his cheek...he said your welcome, baby. I think he wants this talk too, but I would never expect to be treated as though I'm more important than his family...so for today, I'm just going to let us play it by ear. I wish I knew what he was thinking, but at the same time, I'm nervous and putting it off doesn't exactly make me angry! We've been nice to each other, so I surely he's wondering what it is I want to talk about so bad? But since I assured him I never thought we were a "couple", he's been perfectly nice to me, but also a bit distant. Everytime we say we're going to "talk" he sounds enthusiastic, but I might be dreading it, so maybe he picks up on that. Me and the girls are getting along fine, Mary is getting me a glo stick at the concert she's going to tonight...she was on a trip for 2 weeks and I actually missed her, I never thought I could grow like the kids, but I do I guess...


There are times I look at him and see this man trying to satisfy everyone, from his work to his kids, then he has me. If he spends any time with women, it's little time, cuz I know his schedule, etc, yet I was feeling as though he puts them before me. I have to tell him, I hate it when I feel like he has the best of both worlds. Cuz I have his friendship, but not an array of hot men to choose from anytime I want (like Tom). I don't have the time and/or energy. Otherwise, I could easily have his life. I HAVE had his life...at one time I couldn't keep track of the guys who wanted me. But I didn't know how to really enjoy it, and Tom does. He isn't worried about weather or not any of these girls are Ms. Right, he wants the "booty, not the duty" he says. He knows he could use me for sex if he wanted to, or needed to. Maybe its a good thing he rejected my bed invitation...just think of what I would have expected from then on...too much for him, I'm sure. It's almost as though the dude is actually 1 step ahead of me. But I think he's realized I don't do nice things for him because I'm trying to buy his love, I do it cuz I just want to, or cuz I should (like cleaning...even though I'm busy, I try and do my part at least weekly)...we take turns with being the dominant cleaners...which is fine. I loaned him money for US, not just for him. I think he is working on paying me back, but it could be he wants to give it back all in 1 sum, instead of little a time. He keeps talking about a job he wants, and as much as he likes his job now...he knows he can make more money, plenty more, at other places. And he's been acting more serious about it, since he's owed me money.


I'm scared, nervous, excited, want to get it over with, but I also wish I could throw it out the window...:) Ba bye...

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Well he got out of it yesterday, since all his kids were with him and he had family stuff going on for the holiday...I was off work and had a very relaxing, care-free day, so I didn't say anything about the talk, nor did he. I know he works tonight; so I don't know if I should bust his balls or give it a couple days to see if he comes through...I didn't expect him to put me before his kids, plus I was having such a great time with my vacation day, that I just didn't care. I just don't know what to do now..I'm sure he realizes by now, that we have to do this weather we want to or not, and that I need it pretty badly. I'm just hoping my patience here pays off. We'll see.

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I hope everything goes just the way you'd like, keep us updated, I'm crossing my fingers for you.

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