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HELP!My ex & I are getting back together,but a girl is getting in the way!


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Ok,my ex Kevyn & I went out for only 3 months but we fell in love. We broke up for a stupid reason,(Kevyn broke up w/me). Ever since then I have been wanting to get back together w/him,but I never had the courage to call him because I thought he hated me.Recently we ran into each other at the mall & he told me to call him. I did & we ended up spending the day together & we slept together,(this was about a month ago).That brought up all ym feelings for him.Then we started talking about the relationship and he told me that when we slept together it brought back old feelings for him too.He also told me that he cried every day for 6 months after we broke up,that he regreted breaking up w/me more than anything,& that he wanted to get back together.We had also talked about marriage & a future together one day,and we started talking about that again too.Here's my problem...I want to get back w/Kevyn because I truly love him & he says the same to me,but this girl is getting in the way.Kevyn is seeing this girl Jess & she won't step out of the picture.She causes Kevyn & I to fight & the other day we got into this huge fight & he tried to tell me some things,("traits"),that Jess had that were better than the way I am.I know that none of what he said is true & I think he said all of what he did out of anger.He constantly says that we need to sit down & talk one-on-one but whenever I set up a time for us to talk he ditches me for Jess. The other day we started talking & he said that he had to go because he promised that he'd pick her up from work.Then he spent the rest of the evening w/her.He never came back to my house to talk to me!He keeps ditching me & putting me off for this other girl.Yet he says that he hates her & that he wishes that she'd leave him alone.Also that he loves me and wants us to be back together...what am I suppose to think of all of this?What am I suppose to do?Please help!

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I am having the same prollem with a guy named Matt


Only my sister keeps getting in our way I would just explain to him how you feel and giv him about a week to breath


if u get a chance read my post


PLEASE HELP~what would u do if u were told what i was~HELP PLEASE


gotta bounce



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I hate to say it, but he sounds a little sketchy to me. Like, why is he saying one thing and doing another? I mean, I understand that this girl is in the way, but doesn't he have a choice of whether or not to hang out with her? If he really wanted to get back together with you, he would dump her. It's not that hard...he did it to you.


I don't want to sound mean. But I would seriously look at him. He has a choice every time he goes to spend time with his new girl, it's not like she's forcing him at gun-point to pick her up from work and spend the evening with her!

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