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Do you have sexual desire for other people while in a relationship?

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It's extremely normal to the point that you are practically not normal if you don't have them. A study I've referenced in various posts on this forum found that about 98% of men and 80% of women fantasize about others while in relationships. Not only that, but the longer people are in relationships, the greater probability they will fantasize about others.

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Well I've been with my man for almost four years and I don't have sexual desire for anyone but my man. Once in a while I may see a guy I think is cute but I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. I know what I have and I appreciate and value my man. I think it's totally normal to be attracted to different people but if your truely happy who your with why would you wonder about sleeping with someone else? I guess some people get bored. Also if your relationship is on the rocks or your not happy with your sex life you'd probably be curious about someone else.

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Then why are their dicks always so big? :lmao:

Well, if you consider the women in porn, after being stretched out by the 100th guy, you would need someone a little more endowed in order to feel anything... ;)


I can find someone else attractive when I'm in a committed relationship but I'm not interested in sleeping with them. Why let interest grow to the extent where you could be risking your relationship?


As for porn, I don't care if someone wants to view it, as long as it's not an addiction. Myself, not my thing. If anything, it doesn't turn me on, it makes me laugh. Poor acting and ridiculous music...

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You don't right now, just give it some time. It's natural to be attracted to someone else, after all humans are not monogamous creatures. People who are madly in love will more than likely feel like you do, but in time love has it's ups and downs and you will more than likely find yourself attracted to somebody else at some point in your relationship. I'm sure there are a few people out there that are more resistant to this natural behavior, but they are rare. Being attracted to someone else is not a bad thing necessarily, but acting on this emotion can be a dangerous thing to the relationship. Those who understand there natural human behaviors, can learn how to maneuver around obstacles such as these and keep their relationship in check. Cheers!


Well we have been together for almost 7 years now and I still don't become attracted to other people. My definition of " being attracted" to someone else means I wanna date, sleep with, fantasize, etc about them. It doesn't really involve thinking they are attractive. You can find someone attractive without being attracted to them.


I'm not being resistant to any type of behavior I just don't want anyone besides my man. He is all I need and don't feel the need to satisfy anything by being attracted to someone else. :D

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