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Would you date an Asian guy?

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I would date an Asian man, of course. I live in San Francisco and I see white girls with Asian guys all the time. One of my friends is engaged to a Chinese man.

San Fran doesn't represent the rest of western society...in Detroit there are extremely few white girl-asian guy couples. Detroit is probably much more representative of the entire US.

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I've been reading this thread, and some points I agree with. Others, left me thinking.


I really don't think a person's level of interest in other races is all that fully determined by socialization. I've never found caucasian-asian men as attractive as asian men. It's a matter of my own personal preference, but I actually have a hard time even considering these two groups to be in the same category.


As far as family dictates go, I accept that family can have a huge impact on the stress (or lack thereof) that is placed on a relationship. However, it's a bit of an overstatement to indicate that (in America) a person's dating preference is set by family preferences established during childhood. (Molded - yes, but not set in stone.) I think that's a popular cop-out. After all, how many teenagers/young adults do you know that have driven their parents crazy by dating someone the family didn't approve of?


... and finally, blond and blue-eyed shouldn't be represented as everyone's standard of beauty. It may be what's sold in bulk by European and American media, but that standard has yet to be embraced by 100% of the U.S. population. If it had been, I don't think we'd be discussing it here. I dare say that as the majority of the American population begins to be comprised of minorities, that standard may gradually be forced to change.


Still just my 2 cents,


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I must disagree to a certain extent AMERIKAJIN....I think your factors are valid but you're forgetting about the genetic thing. Many white people don't want kids that look different, kids that have different eyes or different hair or darker skin.


Whereas the non-white races want kids that have more white features so they'll fit better in western society. I see many oriental women with white men. Now I'm seeing more and more indian girls with white men.


No matter what anyone says the standard of beauty is fair skin with blonde hair and blue eyes.


And don't even get me started on discrimination within a particular race.


I think asian/caucasian mixes are some of the most beautiful people. And more often than not even if you did encounter one it would be hard to tell what they were mixed of or if they are even mixed at all.


But I believe it's the sheer fact that most people prefer to date within their own race. And the few that that are willing to take a risk date outside of their race.


I'm asian myself, and in the end it's all about how your market yourself. And that's what dating is all about right? marketing yourself to the opposite sex in a way that's appealing so you come off as a worthwhile mate. And that's where 'communities' come into play. A lot of minorities in the US more often than not do bask in the safety of their communities, and while it's not necessarily a bad thing...you do get more prospects/opportunities in the dating pool if you allow yourself to be enlightened and embrace outside of one's own community. And when that does happen, you have more to relate to when you meet that girl...other than knowing only about your own culture/traditions/community...you know much more than that!


As the old saying goes "You only get back as much as you put in.", so essentially you have to get involved in order to reap the rewards. You can call it assimilation, but in the end it's your choice how far you're willing to be open-minded.


Hit the bar/pub, go to europe, see a rock concert, make some friends!

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I avoid asian girls like the plague.


Why's that? Not that I am offended or anything, just curious and expect the answer will be entertaining.

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I say to myself 'I should talk to her' if I get at least some type of interest

(smile, eye contact ) even though this is most guy's misjudgement


So would you just push yourself to talk to girls even they don't give a damn about you?


Most girls who aren't total b*tches will talk to you if you make yourself interesting and engaging. To assume girls don't give a damn about you is a bit harsh. Most of the time, they have no feeling one way or the other and it's up to you to market yourself, as another poster said. Don't go into a situation assuming negative things or it will reflect in your attitude, and that's not going to help your chances any.

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I keep hearing white women don't consider asian boy as 'sex mate'? (which is important for marriage) but as just friend? (who can help math homework)

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Why's that? Not that I am offended or anything, just curious and expect the answer will be entertaining.


I dont know, it just like some times I see a hot women from behind and then bam its like woops asian. Usualy I can tell with out even seeing the face.


Now as far as yong yong as far as you have ur attitude ur never going to get any women white or other. You need to pertend as if there is no forces working against you and just go and try to romance these girls ur hot for. If the girl hates asian guys then giving it a try cant hurt you, and if the girl only dates asian guys then giving it a try can hurt you. If it makes you feel beter to tell urself hey i got rejected because this bioch dont like asian folk then tell urself that, just dont give up on ur dreams, including ur dream of banging white women because fear is the only thing stoping u now. come back with some stories of how u tried and got rejected then maybe ill feel sorry for u

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Just wondering...I am assuming you made many attempts to date white women? Were you at least successful in getting one date?


I'm asian too, but very North Americanized..Mother is Chinese and Father is Japanese..nice mix huh :lmao:..I do NOT come from a typical Asian home, though my mother tried and tried..I still only know English and one other European language..so I share almost nothing of my culture except knowing what is good and bad asian food..haha BTW..I was horrible in math (56% average all throughout highschool..I had to take the courses 3 times to get a 70%)...I'm lazy as hell


Anyway..it really has a lot to do with attitude and how you carry yourself..I'm also not the tallest guy in the world..so that's always been a damper on me, but I have zero problems meeting and dating...


Mostly, yes, I am attracted to white women moreso than other races..Actually, I don't have that many Asian friends..mostly because I'm 4th gen and many where I grew up are fobs, 1gen and very very few 2nd gen....I get shunned a lot..ha. I also don't consider asian girls attractive..have never dated one either (never tried)..That doesn't mean I think they are all ugly..no way..there are a few I would date in a heartbeat, but they're the ones usually dating the white guys..haha:D

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Citizen Erased

I personally don't care about a persons ethnicity, I go to Uni with people from pretty much every nationality you can think of and have no problem with any of them. Anyone can have a disgusting personality, it isn't determined by their race.


But I have never dated anyone termed as "ethnic", just how the cookie crumbled I guess...

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I keep hearing white women don't consider asian boy as 'sex mate'? (which is important for marriage) but as just friend? (who can help math homework)


I wanted to add that I think age has something to do with it, too. Young women, like young men, tend to focus more on things like physique and image, which is something we do throughout our lives to a degree, but it's exaggerated in your high school and even in your early 20's. Young girls tend to go for rough and tumble guys, often at the expense of people who are deeper such as yourself.


At the risk of making a gross generalization, I've noticed that a lot of Asian guys are driven to be high academic achievers but tend to stay off the football field. Certainly not true of everyone, but it's true of many of the Asian American guys I met when I was younger. Consequently, a lot of the women who are looking for that rugged jock are going to look past someone with maturity. It sucks, but that's life. Mind you, that's not just a problem Asian kids face, it's a problem that a lot of mature high school students face regardless of their race. Take solace in the fact that it doesn't take more than a few years after graduation for women to figure out who's going to be a winner, and who's likely to be serving them dinner at McDonald's.

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At the risk of making a gross generalization, I've noticed that a lot of Asian guys are driven to be high academic achievers but tend to stay off the football field. Certainly not true of everyone, but it's true of many of the Asian American guys I met when I was younger.

so? a lot of Jewish dudes do the same thing.

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No I would not date an Asian guy, but I would date an Asian woman if I was not married... They are so hot and flexible!

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burning 4 revenge
I think attraction can be a subconscious thing. I imagine it probably has a lot to do with socio-economic standing, but it also may have to do with popular characterizations of certain ethnic groups, and myriad other factors.


I certainly don't want to generalize here, but a lot of Asian guys I've met come from strict families whose main priorities are their sons' academic achievements, career planning and, additionally, they tend to be socially conservative. This is not true of all Asian-Americans I've met, but definitely true of a good percentage. And for whatever reason, it seems like men in particular (especially the oldest male sibling) really have a rough go of it because so much is expected of them, almost as if they were a lieutenant father of the family. What happens is, Asian men grow up to be the strong and responsible intellects that their parents want them to be, but end up living in a macho society which markets Die Hard, the National Football League and Ultimate Fighting Championship.


As for black women, I think they are also affected adversely by stereotypes and socioeconomic class. But I also think times are changing. Women like Venus Williams and Beyonce are just many of an increasingly long list of beautiful and successful black female stars.

Im with you on Beyonce, but you lost me on Venus Williams. She looks like Mike Tyson with long hair
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Im with you on Beyonce, but you lost me on Venus Williams. She looks like Mike Tyson with long hair


I am lost... did someone use the name Venus Williams and beautiful in the same sentence. Isn't that some kind of literary mistake? LMAO... he must have meant her sister Serena... Now there is a piece of A.... I mean woman!

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I keep hearing white women don't consider asian boy as 'sex mate'? (which is important for marriage) but as just friend? (who can help math homework)


I will catch hell for saying this.


Like I said in my area there are a lot of younger Asians they're distinctly divided into 2 groups, the 'cool Asians' and the geeky Asians, and they don't really overlap or socialize with each other. I'm not the one stereotyping them, I just notice there's a division. Doing certain things will definitely get you labled as a 'cool' Asian such as having a tattoo, wearing trendy clothes and having a crazy hairstyle, and acting aloof like you don't care about school. The so called cool Asians are kind of a stereotype and get made fun of because they're always trying to project that image, but they seem to have less trouble with women.


I'm not saying that you should change your style because its shallow and people should acknowledge your unique and deep personality, ect. But, from your posts it sounds like you just want to hook up with a lot of girls at college, so shallow things are what get results in that situation. Also, never start helping girls with thier homework if you are interested in them.

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I keep hearing white women don't consider asian boy as 'sex mate'? (which is important for marriage) but as just friend? (who can help math homework)


And where exactly is that source from? Or did you make up that generalization yourself as an excuse for not meeting girls?


When it comes down to it, a little confidence goes a long way. Let's assume for a second hypothetically your generalization is right. Well the only possible conclusions would be that either the guy lacked sex appeal, confidence, charm/charisma, good conversational abilities, or yes perhaps even social status/wealth. Which of these is the guy willing to improve to make himself more appealing?


Ask yourself that. You can be the odd one out, you dont necessarily have to fall into that generalization at all.

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Ok Can ladies out there tell me why you wouldn't, haven't dated Asian guy? other than physical aspect?


I think most Asian including myself wouldn't talk to strangers, don't say 'hi' or smile on the street, doesn't bother to talk to people in class.


I am going to gym but I think I should change my personality first from being quiet to friendly :)

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Dating an Asian guy is not that bad…provided you look dashing and handsome. I have a friend who is ready. She is just sitting next to me on another computer…busy chatting with a guy. I think I should shift her on this forum. If you are interested just let me know. If you need a photo of her…no problem I’ll send you one but not now because I do not have any. Just wait for one day, I’ll take a photo of her and upload it on an image hosting site I think this site; http://www.2and2.net will be perfect for hosting. I already have an account there….it is free. If you searching for a committed friend then she is the right person. She is fun and likes talking a lot. Hope you’ll respond. Bye

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I keep hearing white women don't consider asian boy as 'sex mate'? (which is important for marriage) but as just friend? (who can help math homework)


Is it a white woman you want or just a hot girl? I'm confused by this thread.

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Im with you on Beyonce, but you lost me on Venus Williams. She looks like Mike Tyson with long hair


No Venus nor Serena are not really pretty black women but are successful. There are scores of gorgeous black women who aren't in the lime light. However the ones that are like Gabrielle Union, Halle Berry, Vanessa Williams, Nia Long, Rihanna, Tracey Edmonds, Jada Pinkett, Lisa Raye and the list goes on and on. Not to mention all the drop dead gorgeous black women on the rap videos.

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No Venus nor Serena are not really pretty black women but are successful. There are scores of gorgeous black women who aren't in the lime light. However the ones that are like Gabrielle Union, Halle Berry, Vanessa Williams, Nia Long, Rihanna, Tracey Edmonds, Jada Pinkett, Lisa Raye and the list goes on and on. Not to mention all the drop dead gorgeous black women on the rap videos.



Wooohoo I am with you on that!!! You ever see the Uncut videos late at night? I love the women who can booty clap!!!!

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Just browsing through all the topics today - this one made me laugh as I immediately thought of South Park. If you know South Park, you probably know what I'm thinking about...and being how that's important to me.. the answer would be no.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, Asian guys have minisucle penises. We all know how important penis size is nowdays....so that is just too bad. :D



Bottom line: Ladies, if you are longing for exhilarating sexual adventures, stay away from Asian men! And to all of you Asian men out there, don't feel too bad. It is deftinitely not your fault whatsoever; blame genetics!


Am I right on this one? :p

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Yeah, Asian guys have minisucle penises. We all know how important penis size is nowdays....so that is just too bad. :D



Bottom line: Ladies, if you are longing for exhilarating sexual adventures, stay away from Asian men! And to all of you Asian men out there, don't feel too bad. It is deftinitely not your fault whatsoever; blame genetics!


Am I right on this one? :p


This is an absolute LIE!!!!!!!!!! You just don't see Asian guy's penises in porn movies because they are smart enough to get a real job!

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