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What do I do about this guy??

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Ok. here's the basics. A friend (who I see about once a year & never talk with on the phone) asks me to hang out. I say yes, we go out, he's a gentleman (opening doors, etc...), pays for everything. Drops me off, I ask if he ask me out as more than friends, he says dunno, I kiss him (short kiss) and go inside my house. Feeling like I have to do damage control for fear of crossing the line, I send email which reading now sounds horrible. Basically saying I thought his actions meant he wanted something more, when I should have kept it friendly. I sounded desperate. He never emailed back but did send a happy 4th comment to me on myspace, but prolly only cause I sent him one. Anyways, I want to wait a week or two and try explaining. I honestly think he liked me more than friends. I am new to dating. I completely stuck my foot in my mouth. I didn't want to jump into things with him, basically, i just wanted to know if he asked as more than friends so that I could give him a kiss and thank him for the whole evening. Wish I would have kept quiet & let him talk to me. I want to say something, but I don't know what to do. Any ideas?? Thanks!

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when he said dunno , it must be that cause he might be just wanting to know you and see if there is any potential.


if he hasnt replied to your email or hasnt asked you out again , you can let it go... i think he understands from your email that you dont want to date him.

if you feel its important to apologize if you said bad stuff to him , thats your call as to how good your are friends with this person.

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