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He Said She Said..funny story

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Remember the movie, Kevin Bacon and E. Perkins are a couple that work together at the news stations, but they broke up cuz he didn't want to get married. Then they dated other people, etc...some time later while they are on the air, the team starts discussing weather or not a "road-merger" should happen. Perkins looks at the camera and explains the merger should happen and explains what the advantages would be...Bacon gives his opinion on why the road merger should NOT happen...but they were really talking about their relationship...me and my roommate had a similar kind of incident over the weekend...


He is definitely not avoiding "the talk"..because on Saturday he asked me what I was doing Sunday. For a few days before that, he was acting cold towards me...now I realize I think he was pissed about the "not good enough" message I left him.


Sat. night, me, Tom, and our friend Sam were sitting at the kitchen table chatting or whatever, etc. 1st of all, this chick calls and he is really loud on the phone with her, talking about a hot tub party, etc, god it was so obvious that he was doing it on purpose. I just kept laughing and talking with our friend. First, I don't know how it came up, but Tom says to me: "You know everyone cheats, don't you?...Do you actually know anyone who doesn't cheat?"


I replied, "Um...I don't really know...I wish I could answer...----


he interupts me, "You wish you could say yes? Everyone cheats LL, everyone"


Me: "That's an assumption, I mean I really don't f*king know what I think".


He went on to talk about his Ex and how she already had another guy lined up to marry her if her and Tom didn't work out. Tom had a ring on her finger already. I never knew this...I figured she just found the other guy towards the end....also Tom has recently seen her, cuz she is involved in a court case he's going through right now. Gosh...is he still hurting bad or something? It was 2 years ago...


Tom to Sam (Not to me but LOUDLY): When I was all domesticated, I just blew up after 2-3 years, I couldn't do it anymore blah blah blah, thank god I didn't have a kid with her, blah blah


He was obviously trying to tell me that, he can do whatever the hell he wants, he does not want to be "domesticated" yadda yadda. I kept my cool very well, and figured oh, well, let the talk begin. I guess he figured I wasn't going to act pissed off, and he moved to the couch and stared at the TV but would not look at me, or talk to me. I was talking to Sam about my new car that I got that day.




Me: I had soo much fun at the party last night, AND I got a new car today, etc...WHAT MORE COULD I POSSIBLY ASK FOR.


I was trying to let him know that, despite my behavior, I do not need him to make me happy, and for gosh sakes, I might have slipped up on affection a couple times, but he apparently thought I was asking for marriage and children...in my opinion, this is not quite the same thing as just having feelings for someone...but since we live together I understand why he felt that way...


Sunday, he was much more friendly towards me. He left for work, then I called him.


Me: I never meant for you to think what you thought that I thought....I feel kind of bad...


Tom: Yea...I feel bad too...


then I asked him why he feels bad (cuz I want to hear it)...but he was working, so he said "We're gonna sit down and talk about it". I said ok well, I at least had to call and tell you that ( this is yesterday)


This will more than likely occur TONIGHT when I get home from work. And you better believe I already know what I want to say, everything from the kids are a pain in MY ass, to explaining...I think anyone in my position would ask....WTF am I putting up with this B.S. for again? But I had no idea how much I pissed him off last week. I had no idea he was trying to give the cold shoulder all that time...it goes right over my head...yet, when it's me doing to him, I make sure it's obvious as hell that I don't want to talk to him. Perhaps he was trying to give me a taste of my own medicine.


We'll see what tonight is like.

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