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Are we friends or lovers? ?

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I have been seeing this woman on and off for the past two years.when i first started dating her i believed he was the woman of my dreams. I noticed he said all the right things and made me feel great but she was asking a lot of me and not really giving much for what he wanted. I found out she was seeing another girl completley the opposite of me and what she said he was looking for in a woman. I felt she was more into the other woman so i let the reationship go. A few months passed and she calls me telling me how much he misse me and he wants us to be his friends. she states he doesnt normally date woman like me and I scare her. I am still in love with her and when we get together we have sex. she is not ready for a serious relationship but he wants us to be friends. I dont know if i can do that because of the way i feel about her. She tells me he loves unconditionally and he wants me to love her the same way. I really dont understand. We dont hang out and do things regualar friends do. I'm so confused.

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Question #1: Are you seeing a man or a woman?



Questions #2: If it is a woman, is this woman a transexual or bisexual?


I am confused........

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Snuggle Tiger

There were so many changes in gender that I gave up trying to figure it out.:o


The only thing that made sense is you are BOTH trans-gendered and you both had sex change surgery WHILE you were writing your post, but then before you finished your post, one of you changed back.


Are you writing about two people or three? Are some of them str8, gay, bi or TV/TG?


Sorry, but your post makes zero sense. Not even sure why I am bothering to say anything, except that it was so exasperating to read that it piqued my interest.

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Whether the person youre talking about is a man or woman or what, it sounds like they're using you and you should get out of the whole situation. They probably will never change thier mind about getting into a relationship with you because they're getting what they want already.

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I am a woman and I am seeing another woman. She is the more dominant one in the relationship. I do sometimes think she is a man trapped in a womans body. I only made the changes because I wanted to be more honest about my situation to get a more honest answer.

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