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e-mail ettiquete?


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my best friend is in love with this guy and has e-mailed him 4 times total, but he has only replied to one of those e-mails. she's convinced she should give up on him since he has not made more of an effort to e-mail her. in person, they have a reallly obvious spark and i told her to keep at it. but when she e-mails him, he leaves it short and to the point or doesn't reply if she doesn't ask him a question that would need a response.


he's in his mid 30's and she's 25, so i wonder if this causes them to have different views of e-mail ettiquete. like she, for instance, thinks EVERY e-mail deserves a response. older guys who didn't grow up in the chat craze may not see it that way?



should i tell her to forget him?

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