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I was on the train today. I saw a tiny young woman, who appeared to be off her face...she looked like she was going to fall unconscious at any minute... she had all her belongings with her in a garbage bag and a pram...

...I wonder what her story was, how did she get to be that person..? How long would she even last? If someone offered her a second chance would she take it? Or has she already had a billion... what is her fate?

Who can make judgment on her? …You don't know what karma is coming into place...

..I think karma shapes your fate...

Sometimes when things go wrong in your life and you don't know how it got to be, do you blame it on karma?

I have lost someone who means the world to me and I have simply dropped off the face of the earth because of it...I don't know how to make it right... bad things happen to bad people right? but I know in my heart that I’m not, even though a lot of the time I feel like I am...now I’m suffering for it.

Is this a learning experience, karma, both...?

I have always wanted to shape my fate into something desirable, and I have always tried to do so. It reflects in my friendships, my work and family, my spirit...


I just want this rollercoaster to be over...and it’s not.

I’m grateful for many things, I can find happiness almost always...sometimes it takes time, but I can when I need to... But sometimes it's not enough ... in fact it's never enough to exit me from this ride.

I have a destiny...but I think I can shape it too ...life chooses you for many reasons... to test you, teach you, help you grow...but is it really life choosing you from a higher power that you can't control? Did you find yourself in a new situation you never dreamed would happen? Or is it karma... Bad things do happen to perfectly good people, like you and me but did you ever watch someone be taunted and do nothing about it? Did you ignore somebody’s cries because of your own problems? Sometimes people treat us bad because of their own misfortunes... then we pass it onto someone else for some sort or unconscious revenge and the pattern continues...

You can't wait for life to tap you on the shoulder... it's not like you just sit back and wait for it to happen because you believe in fate. "What will be will be...?” It is naive and cowardly to think that in the end you have no control over your fate...things that happen in 2 months, 2 years, or 20 years... you can still create your own story...there are many options.


..Back to the lady... someone did help her; they lent her their phone to call someone who seemed to be of help.


I don't want myself or anyone I know to end up like that lady I saw today.

Love you all


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I think we should all strive to be the persone who lent her the phone.


I read a great line in a book the other day: "We are the authors of every next moment" We are responsible for how our days go and how we react to it. There are outside circumstances that effect us but it is up to us as to how we deal with it. That lady put herself in that situation and we put ourselves in the situation of helping or not.


We don't really have control over what happens to us or our lives, we only have control over how we deal with what happens and what we do with all of it. Nothing makes us into alcoholics or drug addicts, we only make excuses for our addictions. Nothing makes our lives go nowhere, only our lack of effort. God, people, and life can do things to us, but only we can do something about us.


And, a lot of people enjoy rollercoasters. I do, I just choose when to go on them.;)

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