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my girlfriend and i recently broke up due to a long distance relationship, but we still care for each other very much, at least i do, and it seems like she feels the same way. i would really like to get her back but i;m not sure how to approach it, now that we are both at home. just looking for some suggestions...thanx

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It's a little hard to offer suggestions for you Shawn, because your message is a bit brief. But, never mind. Firstly, you might want to ask yourself (and honestly answer) the following questions, to see if this relationship is in fact salvageable: 1). Why did you really break up with each other in the first place? (Because if we aren't honest with ourselves about this one, we just break up again anyway). 2). Was it to do with the long distance thing? 3). Was it other stuff that may (or may not) be able to be resolved? 4). Do you live closer to each other now? 5). Does she REALLY feel as deeply about you as you do about her? 6). Do you get along well? 7). Are you compatible? 8). Do you share some of the same interests? 9). Is it genuine caring or more lust-filled? (I'm sorry to ask you this, but many relationships begin with this, yet find it difficult to survive). 10). Are you friends/can you talk with her about most things? And finally...11). Do you LIKE each other? It's amazing to me how many people proclaim "undying love" for someone, but actually don't even like their partner much. If all of your answers lead to the fact that you truly believe you and this woman could have a good relationship, then send her a really nice card. Write your own inscription, saying whatever it is you feel, and, what you would like from her in the way of a relationship. Send also some pretty flowers and/or chocolates, and... see how she responds. Hopefully she wants the same things. Good luck!

my girlfriend and i recently broke up due to a long distance relationship, but we still care for each other very much, at least i do, and it seems like she feels the same way. i would really like to get her back but i;m not sure how to approach it, now that we are both at home. just looking for some suggestions...thanx
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