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Is he messing with me?

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So, after I told my best guy friend I had feelings for him, and overall got rejected, I assumed we would maintain personal physical space. But hes being so touchy feely and Im wondering where the line is drawn between sexual tension and platonic love.

He is really attractive, I know hes not gay, and he hasnt been in a real relationship with anyone in over seven years. He hasnt even been on a date with anyone since Ive known him ( 1 year and a half). I dont get it.

Ok so the point: is it normal for a platonic friend to always slap your butt. ALWAYS. Its a joke between us but at the same time, hes always touching me. And lately, whenever we hang out, hes so cuddly. Last night I felt weird because we cuddled the whole night. He had his hand on my butt and he rubbed my back under my shirt and played with my hair. It was reeeeeally awkward for me. Is this normal? I mean, he knows how I feel about him, so whats the deal??

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