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Sexy v. Slutty

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Hey everyone! I'm a 21yr old college student who likes going out to clubs and bars a lot with my friends. My best feature is probably my legs, so I often wear a mini skirt with heels, or a longer skirt with a split, when I go out. Anyway, do you think what I wear affects the type of guys that come up to me? My friend and I usually get a lot of attention but I was just wondering whether there were any guys who would deliberately NOT come up to me because I was wearing something revealing (by the way, I never look "cheap" - I always wear designer skirts and team it with a more conservative top). A guy friend of mine said that when he first saw my friends and I he felt intimidated.

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If your best feature is your legs and you feel you should dress to accentuate that, then by all means do so. There will be some men who you will not attract for various reasons. But others will be drawn to you. From those you can select the males you want to get to know better. Don't worry so much about this issue. No matter what you wear or how you apply your make up, there will always be people who are very complimentary and others who will be detractors. As long as you are getting guys interested...just be yourself and dress for yourself.


My best feature is my brain so when I used to go to clubs I carried my college diploma with me and women didn't even give me a second look. I was later told that women always notice a guys shoes...so now I carry several pairs of shoes around with me.

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This is often an issue for me, as well.


I think different people have diff't ideas of where the line between vulgar and sexy lies. The main thing is, i think, to pay attention to where you're going. Being a bit vulgar in a bar/club is not a big deal, but doing it at a lecture or at work is yucky.


Like Tony once said in a reply to my post, sexiness doesn't come from the clothes - it's in your attitude. I think it's same for vulgarity - if you don't act/talk vulgar, you won't come across as such.


just some thoughts,


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Trust me.....I know WAY too many trashy people who don't even dress sexy.


Like sexiness....Trashiness is a characteristic.

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haha I like the fact you think since the clothes are "designer" then you couldn't be trashy. Like hello, Label is on the inside, I am not a fan of materialistic people like that.

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That all depends.....what does the rest of you look like other than your legs? How is your body proportion? Are you big at the top with smaller legs or small at the top with bigger legs.....naw, I'm just kidding. Actually, what you where does attract a certain kind of person. This is what we talk about in psychology class. We do have a tendency to judge people based on how they look. However I always felt it took a mature person to look for the person behind the clothes, to find the personality.

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