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some pains in my body - have you had it??

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Hello everyone -


I'm 23 year old man. I used to be borderline obese about 2 years ago when I decided I saw this was no way to live my life. So I changed my life. My record weight is about 250 lbs - but today I weight 183. I'm 6 feet tall. Well - this is enough about my background :)


I've got three questions that I like to ask.


a) What do you guys eat before you go running. I mostly use the treadmill at my gym and usually run for about 35-40 minutes and run close to 6 miles. When I've finished like 4 miles my stomach usually turns upside down and I must imagine that I'm running towards the toilet. I usually (almost always) can finish the exercise - and when I go and stretch I fart a lot. :love: I have realized that it must have something to do with I put in my stomach.


b) When I've finished about 5-6 miles I usually get this pain in my right shoulder, it's just a huge sting. It must have something to do with my stamina - as it usually happened after 2-3 miles when I had the stamina to run for 4 miles. Anybody heard of this?


c) When I'm exercising my calf muscles I usually find some stairs and step on them with the tip of my toes and lift myself up and down ca. 25 times. After about 20 lifts I get this burning sensation in my calves of course but I'm more worried about my lower back because I usually can find some huge pain there. Just like someone is holding a lighter against my back.


Has anyone felt any of this before. If you have please give me some advice on how to work on my problems. Also ... thanks for reading - English is not my mother language and talking about exercise isn't a huge part of my vocabulary - as you've must have noticed now :)




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Hello everyone -


I'm 23 year old man. I used to be borderline obese about 2 years ago when I decided I saw this was no way to live my life. So I changed my life. My record weight is about 250 lbs - but today I weight 183. I'm 6 feet tall. Well - this is enough about my background :)

firstly, congratulations on your healthy accomplishments!

I've got three questions that I like to ask.


a) What do you guys eat before you go running. I mostly use the treadmill at my gym and usually run for about 35-40 minutes and run close to 6 miles. When I've finished like 4 miles my stomach usually turns upside down and I must imagine that I'm running towards the toilet. I usually (almost always) can finish the exercise - and when I go and stretch I fart a lot. :love: I have realized that it must have something to do with I put in my stomach.

try eating some complex carbohydrates and protein abot 30 minutes before you exercise... like half a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread, or yogurt and a small banana (which will help with some of your other ailments), drink plenty of water, and remember to sip water during your work out.

b) When I've finished about 5-6 miles I usually get this pain in my right shoulder, it's just a huge sting. It must have something to do with my stamina - as it usually happened after 2-3 miles when I had the stamina to run for 4 miles. Anybody heard of this?

that could be from the impact of running.... maybe if you can switch up and do some lower impact excersises, like swimming.

c) When I'm exercising my calf muscles I usually find some stairs and step on them with the tip of my toes and lift myself up and down ca. 25 times. After about 20 lifts I get this burning sensation in my calves of course but I'm more worried about my lower back because I usually can find some huge pain there. Just like someone is holding a lighter against my back.

burning pain sounds like muscle strain. again, eat at least two bananas a day, eat yougurt, drink gatorade, eat yams..... eat plenty of foods high in potassium, and DRINK More water!

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Congratulations..losing weight is not easy. I have only lost twenty from 200 down to 180, and it does take discipline.


1. I prefer protein shakes. There are a number of brands, but yo do not need the ones for the bodybuilders. Personally, I have used MetroPlex, HerbaLife, Shaklee, and now (my favorite) I drink Gold Standard. I drink them for breakfast, and sometimes when I have hunger in the evening, I drink a scoop with milk.


2. Any pain that is out of the ordinary should be checked out by a doctor. Even though you are 23, one never knows if you have a heart ailment or something that has been lurking underneath due to your extra weight. If it was me, I would check it out. It could be nothing more than lung pain or muscle strain, but it could be related to heart. One thing I have learned over the years is that weightlifting and running brings out every muscle in your body...and some of those you have never used before.


3. Again, always have unusual pains checked out, but in this case, I am guessing that the lower back muscles are being used during the calf lifts. I would suggest some exercises that concentrate on the lower back. I am not sure what it is called, but I am guessing someone at the gym can help you with it. (I know what it looks like, but I cannot remember the name).


Again, congrats. At your age or a little younger I got into weightlifting. I know that at my age (43) you can only imagine yourself thin and muscular, but I am telling you that you must make this a lifetime change or you will revert back to old habits. As a youngster, I could not gain weight, then I "learned" how. Now I have to watch what I eat...since about 28. In my late 20s, I quit lifting (new marriage), began again at 30, quit at 33, began at 35, quit at 38, and now at 43, I am starting again. My point of telling you is that if I had kept it up during those years, I would not have needed to keep losing 20# or 30# every few years.


And getting off topic, as for your diet...make it something you enjoy or you will be like many or most of us who cannot stick with it, because it is not enjoyable.


So, talk to a medical professional about the right arm pain, find a good protein drink, work on th back, and yes, drink lots of water.

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the leg pain sounds like shin splints, they ate cause by your muscle being torn away from your bone (this is how it was discribed to me so no one bite my head off), and can be cause by not wearing the right type of shoe. to treat it ice it and eat lots of bannanas and drink lots of water.

FYI while sports drinks are ok they have alot of sugar in them and if you depend on them alon you can damage your kidneys!


but dont rely on our advice alone see your doctor, remember it could always be something more serious


and congrats on the weight!!!

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