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What is she thinking???

Jim C

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I visit an office one a month and there has been a woman there who has progressively flirted with me. I am 39 and she is 36. About 8 months ago, I asked her out for a drink and she did not show up. The next month, I asked her again and she brought a boyfriend with her. So I said forget this and left it alone. About 3-4 months ago, she really starts fliring again. I do not ask her out. Then last month, she asked me for a drink. I went out with her and had a good time. She told me she still had this boyfriend but she did not care for him and etc. About two weeks later I was back in the office and she asked me out again. We went out and again had a good time. She again told me how terrible her relationship was and how much fun she had with me. So she asked me out again 2 days later and this time after dinner and drinks, I took her hand and we kissed and it was very nice. I had an interest in her since I first met her and it was exciting to kiss her after 1.5 years. I returned home (2 hours away) and she began calling and e-mailing - this was welcomed and I responded. We planned to go out during my next visit. Abruptly, she stopped. She will only tell me she feels guilty. I can really not think of anything I did to intiate this sudden change in her. I went back to the office and she was subtly flrting but did not mention our turmoil or going out again. She is still with this boyfriend. If she really was not interested in him (and as making out with me) why would she feel guilty...or stay with him. I make a very good living and have been told I am handsome, so I thought I was a good catch and she told me that she had been interested in me since she first met me. Any ideas??? Thanks.

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She's playing games with you Jim. She sounds very confused about her relationship with her boyfriend and is using you to fill up the voids in her life. I guarantee you she won't leave this man; at least not for the time being. She sounds like a drama queen who gets off on dysfunctional relationships. She has issues, of that I have no doubt. Leave her to her tragic relationship. You deserve MUCH better. You sound like a really nice guy. So don't worry, some lovely lady will come into your life who will love you, honor you, and respect you. Remember, head up, be strong, and move on. All the best.

I visit an office one a month and there has been a woman there who has progressively flirted with me. I am 39 and she is 36. About 8 months ago, I asked her out for a drink and she did not show up. The next month, I asked her again and she brought a boyfriend with her. So I said forget this and left it alone. About 3-4 months ago, she really starts fliring again. I do not ask her out. Then last month, she asked me for a drink. I went out with her and had a good time. She told me she still had this boyfriend but she did not care for him and etc. About two weeks later I was back in the office and she asked me out again. We went out and again had a good time. She again told me how terrible her relationship was and how much fun she had with me. So she asked me out again 2 days later and this time after dinner and drinks, I took her hand and we kissed and it was very nice. I had an interest in her since I first met her and it was exciting to kiss her after 1.5 years. I returned home (2 hours away) and she began calling and e-mailing - this was welcomed and I responded. We planned to go out during my next visit. Abruptly, she stopped. She will only tell me she feels guilty. I can really not think of anything I did to intiate this sudden change in her. I went back to the office and she was subtly flrting but did not mention our turmoil or going out again. She is still with this boyfriend. If she really was not interested in him (and as making out with me) why would she feel guilty...or stay with him. I make a very good living and have been told I am handsome, so I thought I was a good catch and she told me that she had been interested in me since she first met me. Any ideas??? Thanks.
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