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So this summer a friend of mine moved into the city that I live in. Over the last two weeks we spent almost every night hanging out. Watching moves going out to dinner but nothing ever happened between us.


One night we were talking about our day and she told me that she had a bad day, which turned into a discussion about missing having a close relationship with someone you can trust.


Over the last week there had been a couple of nights when we were watching a movie at my place where we would cuddle up on the couch. And I would think that it was possible that she might like me more then our current relationship. But the next couple of nights there would be nothing to indicate that kind of thoughts. And then bang it would happen again.


My problem is I have no idea on how to proceed. Should I come out and just let her know how I feel? I know the typical response is to make a move, kiss her or stuff like that, but that is not me. Is there another way to let her know outright that I like her without making a physical move on her?

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Ask her out on a date-date. Make it clear to her that it's a date, not just friends hanging out...

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Ya I totally just did that...I asked her to a concert this weekend coming up as my date and I got "I just don't feel that way about you" feels like my heart is ripped out. Oh well I guess that's the way love goes.


Stupid Love

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