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Need a ladies.......


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I'll skip all the details from the two previous posts, and assume you've already read them.....


Yesterday my girlfriend came to get some of her stuff, she's been out of the apartment now for over 2 full weeks living in her new place. I went away on vacation for the week of the 4th and she had told me that she would have gotten everything out by the time I got back, and that she would clean. She did neither. She even spent the night her (and use a new bar of soap, new wash cloth and her princess towel and left her night wear on the bed) because she went to a party a few blocks away from my house for the 4th. The odd thing is, the house the party was at is right by the train which she could have taken downtown in 20 mins and been are her own place.


Back to yesterday. I made sure I wasn't home when she moved, and returned to find that she had gotten most of her stuff, but left behind a lot of things I thought she may still want. She didn't throw away anything she didn't want, she just left it. But she left behind some stuff she does need. Our mutual friend (who helped her move yesterday) said she could have planned a little better. So I sent her a text, I'm trying to do NC, but I had to see if everything went ok, and make sure our line (or her line) of communication was still open. So I asked "did everything go ok? What do you want me to do with the rest of your stuff?:)" And she wrote back, like what? So I called her.....

And we talked, and she told me that she would be back for the rest of her stuff sometime before the lease ends (She paid rent for this month, which also puts me for a loop, because she may feel because she paid rent she can leave her stuff here or she's just having a hard time leaving emotionally, and getting a car, she doesn't have a drivers license, but her roommate does). It was a good conversation, we didn't bring the relationship up this time, which is key. I did end the conversation though by saying i have to go, and that you can call me anytime. To which she replied, are you sure, and I said yes, I'm sure..

Then this morning, I log onto myspace. And right now I'm really hating myspace. But my ex has always used it as a way to express herself...always sending my notes saying i miss you or i love you. But she changed her song, from the little miss sunshine song, to the new timbaland song, The way I are. Which is basically a song about 2 people in love, both are broke and they want each other back. Lyrics link The last line of the song being, so when I make it I want you back. Do I read into this or just let it be??!?

My biggest fear is that my ex won't know how to ask for my love back. She already took a big step by calling me up after 4 days of NC when we first broke up and saying that she loved me and missed me, and then writing a note at our apartment using the words "sweatie" and with "love."

But am I stupid, for thinking this?

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It's been 4 days since we last talked. This is the longest we've gone, or I should say, she's gone without talking to me. The last time she went this long it was when she first told me that she needed some space and I flipped and forced her to say we're breaking up. I spent 4 days on my friends couch and she called me on the 4th morning and started crying and said I love you and I miss you. Her stuff is still here at least some of her stuff, nothing major, just some clothes and a few odds and ends.

I want to talk to her so bad, it hurts. I've never gone this long with out talking to her, and I haven't seen her in a 3 weeks.....I miss her bad.........

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It's been 4 days since we last talked. This is the longest we've gone, or I should say, she's gone without talking to me. The last time she went this long it was when she first told me that she needed some space and I flipped and forced her to say we're breaking up. I spent 4 days on my friends couch and she called me on the 4th morning and started crying and said I love you and I miss you. Her stuff is still here at least some of her stuff, nothing major, just some clothes and a few odds and ends.

I want to talk to her so bad, it hurts. I've never gone this long with out talking to her, and I haven't seen her in a 3 weeks.....I miss her bad.........

I don't know what to do....I want to call her, but I know its just my emotions coming out. It's just can't end this way, it can't.


devlbunny, did you read my 2 storys that I linked?

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