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Women pickier on attraction

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I read an article recently on how women are pickier when it comes to physical attraction.
I think that this is far more true than women ever admit. If you really watch women in action, you see that physical attractiveness is as important to a woman as a man. That women don’t find that many men physically attractive is why they settle for financial stability and personality.


Hanging out with guys, it becomes evident that most guys will gawk at almost any woman. Hanging out with women and it becomes evident that they are far more picky about which guys that they will gawk at.


When I first met my girlfriend she didn’t come over and say, “hello good personality” she came over and said, “hello handsome”.

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Nope. If that's the case then those guys are just looking for someone to lay and they can't afford to be too picky. I'm not talking about that. So excluding that scenario, no..men are as picky if not more so. Women are much more likely to overlook the superficial if they like who the man is. Not so a man. They're more visual. We all know that. And therefore their requirements tend to be more superficial in nature.


First and foremost men are just looking for someone to lay. Only once you get passed that do other factors come into play. Once a women hits the man's minimum standard his personnel "better looking" only gets picked if everything else is equal. The minimum standard is only there so that if others see the couple together the man retains his social status. Among women she has to look good enough so the next women won't think she is stepping down to be with a low class man.

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I think the thing is that in a free society women will have more power, because they have more self-control. A lot of men get into relationships just to be able to have sex. I know that sounds crude, but it's true


That's why 99% of the sex trade is geared toward men. Even most of the men involved in the sex trade target other men. That says something


Most women don't have to pay for sex... they can get sex whenever, wherever and with whoever they want... even if she's not that hot!

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Yeah, I know it sucks doesn't it? Women have all the power here.


It's probably the only area where women have more power... LOL


what about politics, religions, work force, etc... :o

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Maybe men can get as much free sex as women. But is is far easier to just buy sex rather than put up with women`s wiles.


As long as women have a price in their mind, men will have to buy sex, in whatever currency the woman is selling it.


There is a many a wife that is just as hardened a prostitute as any streetwalker.

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Makes sense to me. Men are more known for not being able to stay monogomous. They are supposed to "plant a lot of seeds" or whatever...they are also more visual than women. I think a woman bases her physical attraction on more than just physical appearance, I think women sub-consiously judge a man in a way that his looks tell her what kind of person he might be...like, she might expect a tall, dark, handsome guy to be the romantic of her dreams, or she might think the blond/blue-eyed guy must be fun to be around...therefore, this might make women appear to be pickier with looks and who they have sex with.


Men on the other hand, again are much more visual-based, and of course women come in so many different shapes, sizes, etc., there is too much of a variety for a man to just pick one, he probably feels overwhelmed by the unlimited amount of choices he could make, especially if he's told that he can have as many as he wants!

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I read an article recently on how women are pickier when it comes to physical attaction. They said not to blame women as there are biological reasons for it as well as influenced by those that you grew up around and other factors and that we can't control it. Sounds about right to me.


The article also said how we look for someone that we like on an intellectual, emotional and physical level.


To prove their point about women being more selective about physical attraction, they said that if you had 100 women in a room and told a man he could have sex with as many of them as he wanted, he'd probably have a pretty high number.


On the other hand, if you had 100 men in a room and you told a woman she could have sex with as many of them as she wanted, she probably would choose 2 or 3.


Well, the information makes me think that it's easier for men to find someone then. I mean, I think it'd be much easier if you'd be attracted to a greater number, right?


On the other hand, I think it might be harder for men to stay with the same person...or rather...harder for him to pick "just one".


I just thought that the information was interesting and might give some insight on the dating scene.

I think that women are pickier than guys.Women want to make sure that the guy they are out with looks good out in public.You know. We want to make sure that he has good attributes if we decide to have children together.

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You know if all men could band together and have a sex boycott and stop having sex with women, eventually the women would be sick of it and you could turn around the fact that women are on the supply side and men are on the demand side. You would probably never have to pay for sex or take women on dates and put up with b*tchy attitudes again once women realized there is a threat of boycott they can't have sex whenever they want.


Most women can do that which is why womens' sexuality holds more weight to it than men's. Men will just never be able to do it, either on a small scale or a large scale. They are too irrational and only think about what you want to do at the moment, not whats best in the long run for thier entire kind.

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I’ve long held this theory. Most women seem to have a fairly well developed image in their head of what their ideal man would be. Whereas most men see little more than varying degrees of attractiveness in women, women tend to read a lot more into the image a man projects. For instance, I’ve heard women say things such as, “he looks honest” or “he looks like a loser” or he looks whatever. You never hear guys talking this way about women.


I got this idea while noticing that most guys didn’t seem to notice if a particular woman would fit into their social group or class or not. But women seemed to greatly notice such things.


For instance there are women who are greatly drawn to bikers and if their relationship with one ends, they will look for another biker. Same goes for construction workers, businessmen, college educated men, cowboys, artists, or whatever. It’s like women look to see how a man fits into her ideas of her social structure. Guys are less picky in this regard, often assuming that the woman will just adjust to whatever his social situation is.

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You know if all men could band together and have a sex boycott and stop having sex with women, eventually the women would be sick of it and you could turn around the fact that women are on the supply side and men are on the demand side. You would probably never have to pay for sex or take women on dates and put up with b*tchy attitudes again once women realized there is a threat of boycott they can't have sex whenever they want.
I take it, you've never been properly teased.
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Guys are less picky in this regard, often assuming that the woman will just adjust to whatever his social situation is.


Bad assumption for some guys to make IMO.


I agree, women are more picky. I know I am all the way down to what they wear to details. I did learn that being picky isn't the route to go. Sure we can be picky but not with everything. At least in my experience I can't.


he probably feels overwhelmed by the unlimited amount of choices he could make, especially if he's told that he can have as many as he wants!


It's like being in a candy store. Wants one of each. Lol!!

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I wanted to add this because I think I have it figured out now. What it is is that men and women are BOTH picky but picky about DIFFERENT things. Would anyone agree with that?


The height/income/age thing was mentioned. And I agree that would be more important to a woman. But looks in general would be more important to a man. They wouldn't care so much about height or income, I'd say.


So both picky or discriminating but in different areas. Can we finally put this topic to rest?;)

Looks are very important to women as well. I am familiar with the women who kept raising the bar on me until they fell in love with some other guy. I lucky guy always has potential.


I provided this link a while ago, and it might be useful here as well.


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Men compete and women choose!!



Women are pickier because they are attracted to men of higher status than themselves, so women are much choosier about who they marry.


For women, the most attractive sexual partners are rich and successful men, and for men, healthy young women. By contrast the least attractive partners are low status men and old, sick-looking women.


So women are pickier because there are less men that meet their qualifications than women who meet mens.:)

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I'm sorry if I said something that was phrased in a rude way but I think its true. I actually have been teased a lot, but from comparing stories with other people I gathered that this was moderately unorthodox. Most guys are wanting to have sex and women are very defensive and picky about it because they can be. Men have sex with anything (except me apparently, lol jk). I don't think that its because men must have sex all the time. I'm sure there are some men that, because of some circumstances couldn't have sex for a period of time and they managed. Men just have less self control for the most part. I think this is just making it harder for men to get any action because now all women expect men to want action and are on the defense. Basically they know if they have a vagina or something similar to a vagina they can expect to be constantly surrounded by men and batting most of them off.


I'm not saying it is an all men all women issue. I know some men that are virgins that are waiting to get married so apparently they have a lot of self control.

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Makes sense to me. Men are more known for not being able to stay monogomous. They are supposed to "plant a lot of seeds" or whatever...they are also more visual than women. I think a woman bases her physical attraction on more than just physical appearance, I think women sub-consiously judge a man in a way that his looks tell her what kind of person he might be...like, she might expect a tall, dark, handsome guy to be the romantic of her dreams, or she might think the blond/blue-eyed guy must be fun to be around...therefore, this might make women appear to be pickier with looks and who they have sex with.


Men on the other hand, again are much more visual-based, and of course women come in so many different shapes, sizes, etc., there is too much of a variety for a man to just pick one, he probably feels overwhelmed by the unlimited amount of choices he could make, especially if he's told that he can have as many as he wants!


I think that's true, the average woman will have countless thoughts running through her head about 1 guy...and the guy will be like "Where's my f**king beer!?"

But with that said, I think women are more long-term oriented when looking for a mate because afterall who doesnt like stability?


I read somewhere that women often underestimate a guy's willingness for commitment, and men often overestimate a woman's interest in him. I think it works hand in hand, in the past if a woman made a bad choice on a mate and she got pregnant and he left...she'd pay the price. Nowadays, if taht same thing happens it's not so bad because most people have jobs and courts are capable of getting money from the fathers for child care. But overall my case in point is if the woman makes a bad mate selection at any day and age, she'd be the one left with the child (more likely than the other way around).


On the pickier scale, yes women are moreso than men. But on the quality of mate selection of the sexes, I think women are on the short end of the stick because they have to put up with more crap - however men are generally a little more laid back about stuff.

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I just thought that the information was interesting and might give some insight on the dating scene.

many women are pickier cause they tend to have marriage and children on their mind whereas men just have sex on their mind. ergo, women have more to gain or lose and they need to be much more careful with who they keep company.


its all based in evolution and genetics and all that crap.

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I read an article recently on how women are pickier when it comes to physical attaction. They said not to blame women as there are biological reasons for it as well as influenced by those that you grew up around and other factors and that we can't control it. Sounds about right to me.


The article also said how we look for someone that we like on an intellectual, emotional and physical level.


To prove their point about women being more selective about physical attraction, they said that if you had 100 women in a room and told a man he could have sex with as many of them as he wanted, he'd probably have a pretty high number.


On the other hand, if you had 100 men in a room and you told a woman she could have sex with as many of them as she wanted, she probably would choose 2 or 3.


Well, the information makes me think that it's easier for men to find someone then. I mean, I think it'd be much easier if you'd be attracted to a greater number, right?


On the other hand, I think it might be harder for men to stay with the same person...or rather...harder for him to pick "just one".


I just thought that the information was interesting and might give some insight on the dating scene.





Some women can be visual. But the majority of women are attracted to character traits that far and beyond trump looks. What character traits, you say?





Easy going.


Cool under pressure.


The opposite of "door mat" and much confused with "jerk." Whereas a jerk is really as insecure as a "door mat", a confident man is a well balanced man. Good when he should be, mean when he should be and nice when he should be.


Women are much more likely to forgo looks over character traits then men are. All you have to do is look around and you'll find many average or less than average looking men with really hot women.


But much less often will you see a great looking guy with an average or less than average woman.


Men are dominantly visual. Women are not.


Yes. An attractive, tall man will have an easier time attracting women. But if he lacks confidence and the "good" male attributes (not a door mat or jerk, just well balanced) he will have a hard time keeping women. At least, women worth keeping (confident, secure, attractive women).


Try it. Look around and pay attention to the couples around you. You just might surprise yourself.

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When it comes down to attraction i dont think anything is ever as simple as black & white. I think for the most part as always people are attracted to someone physically on an initial scale. From there on, someone's attractiveness level is only relative to one's physical/social/emotional/psychological/(financial) needs.


Again beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Someone's scale of a physical 9, could be someone else's scale of a 7.

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Again beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Someone's scale of a physical 9, could be someone else's scale of a 7.

This is mostly true MONKEY00 but there is a small percentage of the general population that is attractive to almost everyone. These are the people who have the entire "package" (or most of it) and they are quite rare indeed.


On the other hand there are people on the other end of the spectrum who are repulsive to almost everyone.

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On the other hand there are people on the other end of the spectrum who are repulsive to almost everyone.


And who falls into this category? Camilla Parker-Bowles, maybe?

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This is mostly true MONKEY00 but there is a small percentage of the general population that is attractive to almost everyone. These are the people who have the entire "package" (or most of it) and they are quite rare indeed.


On the other hand there are people on the other end of the spectrum who are repulsive to almost everyone.


Opposite ends of the spectrum hm? But I think the real question here is, is there such a thing as a Universal Beauty?


Most of the ancient greek and roman statues/paintings of human forms were their ideal images of universal beauties. But physically the body forms and body part proportions are physically impossible. Look at Michelangelo's 'David' for example.

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Look at Michelangelo's 'David' for example.

ahhh M00...you make an excellent point but look at the mona lisa. its famous cause it appeals to almost everyone.

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ahhh M00...you make an excellent point but look at the mona lisa. its famous cause it appeals to almost everyone.


True Alpha. The question is, do we find it appealing because everyone else does or because we truly do deep down?


I think that question also falls down on social proof.

Scenario A:

A flock of women around a guy.


Would that convince other women that there's something about him that makes him a great catch? Merely on the high demand, low supply law.

Or is he really appealing because he just is?


I think there are more outside forces influencing one's attraction than we realize, like media for example is always an influence.

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True Alpha. The question is, do we find it appealing because everyone else does or because we truly do deep down?

its both M00


Would that convince other women that there's something about him that makes him a great catch? Merely on the high demand, low supply law.

Or is he really appealing because he just is?

its both M00

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burning 4 revenge

It used to be that the woman was the better looking and younger of the two in a couple, these days it's reversed unless the guy is rich

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