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Girlfriend dreamt about kissing another man

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My girlfriend dreamt that she kissed another man, and it's disturbing me much more than it should.


In her dream, she didn't really like the guy, but ended up dancing with him, and at the end of the dance he surprised her with a kiss. She tried to resist, but he penetrated her mouth with his tongue, and was such a good kisser that she went weak, and ended up enjoying it so much that she kissed him back 4 times.


Now, this might not be so bad, but when she told me about it she kept repeating what an amazing kiss it was. When she woke up, her reaction was apparently something like, "Woah, that was an amazing kiss."


Now, when she told me this, I felt like **** but didn't say anything. And right now I'm feeling confused and a bit angry - I know it was just a dream, but the fact that she enjoyed it so much, even after she woke up, just bothers me to no end. I also haven't feel like kissing her at all ever since she told me about it.

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I just can't get over why she chose to even tell you about it let alone use all of the passionate adjectives. Was she trying to make you feel like sh*t you think? Is she a mean person?

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Citizen Erased
but he penetrated her mouth with his tongue, and was such a good kisser that she went weak, and ended up enjoying it so much that she kissed him back 4 times.


Either you or your girlfriend have been reading way too much romance novels. Who penetrates' someones mouth with their tongue? :lmao:


It was a dream. Get over it.

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It seems strange she would tell you about this with such details. How do you think she would feel if you told her you had a dream where a woman seduced you with her tongue with the most amazing kiss and you responded to her kisses 4 times?

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I can think of no reason to tell my partner a dream unless he was the one "penetrating" my mouth with his tongue and I wanted to practice during waking hours...


dreams are just dreams... no more no less. Telling your boyfriend is just silly but being 'jealous' of someone that doesn't exist is sillier.

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Sheeez is her name Tina? Sounds like something my ex wife would go out of her way to tell me about. Wait a month and tell her you had a dream that you had sex with one of the most amazing black women you have ever seen. Start buying those big booty magazines... she'll feel equally inadequate then.


Really though, I cannot fathom why she would tell you this. I mean she could have just kept that crap to herself and fantasized about the guy during sex. It would have been her secret, but NOooo she had to wake you and tell you all about it. I bet she touched his penis too..:lmao::lmao:

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I've had occasional dreams where I eather kiss or receive oral sex from other women. They can seem amazingly real while you're dreaming them, so much so that if it's a co-worker I feel like winking at them when I see them the next day, or feel embarrassed if she's not someone I find attractive. ;)


These dreams don't necessary mean that you have a crush on the other person, or that you want to cheat.


Still, no good can come from sharing these with a spouse, so don't do it.

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i'd have to disagree with stayclose...........

i've been woken up by my wife, in the middle of the night, with her rubbing my (now) stiff.......well, you get the picture. we then proceeded to make GREAT love and then went back to sleep. the next morning i ask, "what was that all about?"...she says "O, i had just had a dream about <some hot celeberty guy> banging my brains out and woke up all <excited>."

this was early in the marriage before we had a child in the room and too tired to do this now.

i still have thought nothing of it because it was merely a dream (i was also just happy for gettin some in the middle of the night). we all have dreams, whereever they come from and that is all it is, a random thought; some much more vivid than others.


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It was just a dream, dreams are not reality. Maybe she told you her dream because she is trying to tell you something that is missing in the relationship. I am 7 months pregnant and i have dreams all the time that my husband is cheating on me when in fact he isnt its just my changing hormones and they say my dream is because-- "When our mate is cheating in our dream, and we wake up and smack him or her in the face," said Loewenberg, "rarely is this pointing to an actual affair, unless there is good reason to believe there might be. This dream happens when our mate is spending too much time, when their attention is focused, on something else. They are working too much or spending too much time on the computer or with friends, causing us to feel jealous or cheated. "If you are cheating in the dream, it's a good indication you aren't giving your spouse the attention he or she needs, and you are feeling a little guilty." i know this saying is true because that is exactly what he was doing i confronted him about it and he said i am preparing myself for when the baby comes so i dont get jealous that you spend all your time with the baby. So he played games as a cover up and distraction.

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I'm sure you've had dreams yourself. If not then your as rare as they come. :)


I've had all sorts of man dreams and those I keep to myself. I see no reason to share and your gf should of known better than to tell you. Maybe she felt guilty about it who knows.


For instance I've had many dreams where the guy I'm with isn't in them. In fact it's very rare that he is. Like take the other night, I had a dream that I was pregnant and the father wasn't even my H. He wasn't even there.


Then I had a couple where I was getting married to 2 completely different guys. I couldn't even tell you where those came from because I have no idea.


I even had one where I was having sex again with a completely different guy. Yes it was amazing if not better but that it doesn't mean anything. Geez, I sound like a dream whore. :laugh:


Now am I going to tell him this? No because it's none of his business and it doesn't mean anything. It was a dream and it has nothing to do with reality. My dreams don't make up my life. Do I find them interesting? Yes but that's it.


I personally think your making WAY TOO big of a deal out of this. We don't have control over our dreams. If we did, oh boy I'd have some fun.


The mind does strange things and to be upset over something uncontrolable is well, stupid. So please don't get upset over the dream. I'd question her as to why she felt the need to tell you?

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You're overreacting.It was just a dream.Relax.She can't controls what goes on in her mind while she's asleep.

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Thanks for all the replies, guys. I've since decided that I was being silly and overreacting. Since this is my first relationship, I'm extra-sensitive and worried for no good reason.

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This reminds me of that line from Friends when Rachel dreams of kissing Chandler and Ross gets angry. Chandler says, "I-I'm sorry... it was a one time thing, I was very drunk and it was someone else's subconscious..."

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Maybe it was a "wish" dream. Does she want YOU to kiss her like that?

She not only DREAMED of a passionate kiss, but she also sent the message to the one from whom she expects the passion. Talk to her about what she might be missing in the relationship. If everything is great, then forget the dream. When I was dating my husband I dreamed that I had sex with my dancing instructor. He was kinda cute, but I was in love with hubby. The dream was really not a big deal and it bothered me that I couldn't say "no," even though it was just a dream. Anyway, what really happened several months before that: I went out with friends and got so drunk; I danced with this 18-year old boy who was like 11 years younger than I was; we danced dirty, we flirted, and finally I told him to call me. In the morning I felt horrible and thank god, he never called (he was the cousin of one of my friends). But the reason why it happened was because I wa in Europe and my BF was in the US, I didn't know what he was doing or whether he was serious about the future of our relationship in the first place. So I kinda understand why I did it, plus I didn't cheat or kiss or anything. Dreams do have messages.

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Citizen Erased
This reminds me of that line from Friends when Rachel dreams of kissing Chandler and Ross gets angry. Chandler says, "I-I'm sorry... it was a one time thing, I was very drunk and it was someone else's subconscious..."


ahh classic Chandler :p

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What a strange thing to tell your b/f... Talk about diarrhea of the mouth.


I've had some very strange dreams about men I would rather drive over, back up and drive over again. The dreams never make me change my mind about them. :laugh:

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Sheeez is her name Tina? Sounds like something my ex wife would go out of her way to tell me about. Wait a month and tell her you had a dream that you had sex with one of the most amazing black women you have ever seen. Start buying those big booty magazines... she'll feel equally inadequate then.


Really though, I cannot fathom why she would tell you this. I mean she could have just kept that crap to herself and fantasized about the guy during sex. It would have been her secret, but NOooo she had to wake you and tell you all about it. I bet she touched his penis too..:lmao::lmao:


omg omg this is the funniest post ive been laughing my A-- off for like the past 5 minutes:lmao::lmao::lmao: ahah

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Like a previous poster says it "Dreams are only dreams", there are no actions into it. Getting mad over them, well it's silly. I had on few occassions dreams too (only mines there are more into it, I'm talking about the real whole scene). I'm either getting screw by a celebrity or random guy I don't know. Like the poster's SO I end up telling b/f too.

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Mustang Sally

I would have to agree with others that what is odd about this whole thing is not that your GF would have that type of dream - I mean, please. It's just a dream, you know?


But that she would go to such lengths to tell you about it.


Seems to me if she merely wanted a kiss like that from YOU, she might have told you that she'd dreamed about YOU kissing her like that.


It sounds as if she is trying to foster some sense of jealousy in you.


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