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What the heck does this mean?

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I talk to my ex a lot on MSN.

I posted the "My situation and a little confusion" post a few posts down.


Today his screen name was "Did not have but now have" (Well it translates to that. It was in Chinese). So I asked him. "What do you have". He said "A studio" and then without me asking or prompting and I have said nothing about it "Don't worry. I won't have a new girl for a long time"


Why would he volunteer that information for one, and what does that mean in man talk? If a woman says that she usually means something to the effect of "You broke my heart so badly I have sworn off men." But that is usually the cry of the dumpee. And I am the dumpee. So it is odd that he would say that. Any ideas?

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don't read in to it too much, My first guess was that he just wants you to know that he knows what you were thinking. Nothing more Nothing less.

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