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Becoming Normal friends with and old Close friend.

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I'm not sure if I picked the right section of the forum to post this. But I'll post anyway. Have any one of you been friends with your close friend after you revealed your feelings? Are some conversations off the table now? I was very close friends with a girl.. I told her how I felt but the love was unrequited. So now it seems like she is holding back more and the friendship isn't as candid. We still talk here and there but it's not the same as in she won't share any feelings about anything just stuff about the weather, cooking or sports. Just superficial topics. Nothing deep. Does this just take some time to wear off? It just seems like my old friend past away. It doesn't seem like she is the same person anymore.

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aw sorry...she didn't return your feelings but she doesn't want to lose her friend, either. She wants to be your friend but doesn't want to lead you on in any way. It's easier said than done, but maybe you could tell her how you feel now, you feel like things are not the same between you two. It is possible to stay friends as long as things are communicated and understood. But knowing she doesn't feel the same as you, might make it difficult for both of you to continue the friendship as though your feelings were never there.

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aw sorry...she didn't return your feelings but she doesn't want to lose her friend, either. She wants to be your friend but doesn't want to lead you on in any way. It's easier said than done, but maybe you could tell her how you feel now, you feel like things are not the same between you two. It is possible to stay friends as long as things are communicated and understood. But knowing she doesn't feel the same as you, might make it difficult for both of you to continue the friendship as though your feelings were never there.

I think that makes sense with her not trying to lead me on, but I pretty much told her that I just wanted to know one way or the other about how she felt. Now that I have this closure I don't think there is a reason to cut out topics. She might have wanted to refrain from being as open and candid with me because she didn't know how to act. I believe after time it will get better but it just won't be to the point the friendship as they I've never revealed my feelings. There will always be a doubt in her head. She always thought it was never possible, but now she knows it could be possible and would be more cautious. I really wish I just killed the feelings from the signs shown but I simply couldn't see them.

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