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im so lost

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i'm 21 years old and i just dont get it, the whole dating scene, i've tried reading stuff but still i just dont get it. i am very shy and i dont even know where to begin, how do guys meet women? where do they go? what do they say? how do they say it without exploding from anxiety? im just so lost and confused, i dont meet many people and when i do meet a girl i like i dont have the nerve to ask her out and always become "just friends". i think its partly because deep down i really think 2 people should get to know each other before becoming involved romantically and by the time i feel i know the girl well enough she already thinks of me as just a friend and/or has found another boyfriend already. can anybody help me?

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I can totaly understand where you are coming from. I'm 30 and end up in very simular situations and have a simular point of view.


I wish I had the answer to tell you.

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