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What does give me a call sometime mean?

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Ok, I have gotten alot of diferent opinions on this so I haveto ask here....

I went for a motorcycle ride this weekend with this guy I dated 16 years ago. We went to eat, we went to his friends house, then his house and then to my friends house and returned to my house 8 hours later. When he dropped me off, he hugged me and told me to give him a call sometime. Does that mean he is interested or not interested?

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Hmmmm ... girl

It totally means he's interested but wants to "feel out the situation" if you are too... So the ball is in your court and it's up to you if you want to give him a call or not :-)

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It probably means "I am interested in you, but you are an ex who is now a friend, and I don't want to screw that up by making a move and getting rejected by you, so if you feel the same way, give me a call sometime, and maybe we can start something up again."


It might also mean "You are a really cool friend, and we should hang out again soon, so give me a call sometime. Since you are an ex, I would feel funny calling you just to hang out as a friend, but if you would like to do that, give me a call and we will."


Or it could mean something in between. 80-20 it means the first thing. Either way, you have nothing to lose by calling him to find out if you are interested.

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I say wait a week or so and call. Tell him it was great running into him again and you had a great time.

Let the conversation pause and see where he takes it from there.

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