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I now hate him

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I started seeing this guy about a year ago.I'm pretty sure he was interested in me and I decided to encourage this as I too became more and more interested. A year has gone by and things have gone from okay to bad. When I first met him he was interested in Asian women, and within the last year dated a caucasian women. We have incredible chemistry, talk on the phone for hours and hang out into the wee hours of the morning. But I'm beginning to feel like he doesn't want to openly date me because I'm black. How am I suppose to know these things??? When we go out, it's never with his friends, we always talk late at night, and he hasn't made any moves. But I don't see the advantages of asking me out just for the hell of it?

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If you've known each other this long and he hasn't asked you out, he's not going to.


You can try asking him out, but you might be better off looking elsewhere.

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I have to agree with NJ. It sounds like you're more on the friendship tip with him at this point. Unless he was inexperienced, which he doesn't seem to be from your post.


Try to move forward, to a man who will ask you out within days of meeting you :-)

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I'm afraid you feel the chemistry but he sees you as a good female buddy. If he is unwilling to move your relationship farther it is in your best interest ( pain wise) to look elsewhere. Do you really want to hear of his gf's when you want to be her?

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If you've known each other this long and he hasn't asked you out, he's not going to.


You can try asking him out, but you might be better off looking elsewhere.



I agree with Norajane.


He would have asked you out earlier on, if he wanted to.


I think when you're getting to know someone, you both tend to talk on the phones for hours because you're just doing that - getting to know one another. After several weeks of doing that, maybe then one of you realise you're not that compatible with him/her so you just don't ask him/her out but just enjoy the company (on the phone, that is!)

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