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well now.

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So a couple months back I met this guy who I was immediately attracted to and it was returned and we started dating and jumped into everything way to fast. Realizing this we broke it off after like 3 days, and I was still hurt since I was the one that got dumped. Being unable to take goodbye for an answer I decided to be his friend instead, and it was working. Then he decided to date this girl within our friend circle, and I was okay with it and what not, and he started to get really serious about her, but she wasn't returning the feelings as strong. He told her he loved her and she said it back, but she didn't mean it really. After about 3 months of dating she dumped him for whatever reason, and she was skeptical that we still had feelings for each other. Which was true on my part, but I denied it because I was happy just being his friend. So we started spending more time with each other because hey we had a good time just being around each other. Then one night at my house I had a bunch of friends over and they got back together and everyone was happy. Then the girl went to California, came back and dumped him. So he called me and was pissed and was like, "I am not going to deal with this anymore, I am not giving anymore chances." and I agreed with him, but not for my benefit, because I was sick of seeing him hurt as well. So one day he came over to my house and we were watching TV, and he hit me with a pillow, so we started playing around, and it ended up him starting to tickle me, but I was squirming to avoid what I knew what was probably coming, and sure enough we got close enough and he kissed me. And I kissed back. And we started making out on my couch and getting hot and heavy. after about a half hour of this he sat up and gave me a look like "the world was ending" and I had no idea what to say, so I asked if this was going to change anything and he said no of course, but then said he wanted to go home because his stomach hurt which he blamed on drinking too much juice the previous night, which I knew was bull. So I waited a day before I called and I had a lot of stuff to tell him not pertaining to the incident, but he didn't answer, and I left a message, and called back but blocked my number and he picked up. THEN I found out he went back to his ex and gave her a bracelet he was going to give her before they broke up, and told her he loved her so much, and then they went to the movies and she was kissing all over him, but they still aren't dating as far as I know because she even admitted she is doing it because of the power trip she is on. But I tried calling again because I missed talking to him, and still no answer, and he is the kind of guy that always has his phone, and always answers. I left him a message though saying " I guess you hate me now or something, so...I don't even know, whatever bye." and now I don't know if I should/can/or how to deal with this in terms of letting it die or keep trying, because he is worth the fight as a friend, but is also hard to be friends with sometimes because my feelings get in the way, and the fact he acts really immature when it comes to love.


I don't know if the answer is in front of me or what, but it’s hard, and it hurts and I am mixed up in being mad and sad about it all.

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It sounds to me like he's just not that into you. But he doesn't want to lose you completely in case he's in need of a little ego boost which you so eagerly provide him.


Do you want to be the one to pick him up the next time he gets dumped? Which is going to happen because he's a fool to not want to be with you and only you. And he'll screw up his relationships because you know what a fool he is, right?


So let him be a fool on his own. Don't join him and be a fool too. Delete his number and put away anything you have lying around that reminds you of him.


You deserve better. And when you find it you will have a "what was I thinking" moment about this guy. I guarantee it.

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The only thing that kinda keeps me tied to him though is the fact that he is depressed, and talks about doing really dumb things, which I don't think he will do, but still who knows with this kid. That and I know it is not my job to be the hero, but I don't want to leave him al by himself.


But I understand what you are saying and I apperciate your insight.

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If he gave you the bracelet then I'd say stay and help him but he didn't even though they were broken up and you were there for him to cry to.


Not to say you should be a gold digger but if the job of hero came with perks I maybe would reconsider. :D

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He seems to be in what I call an "off-on-off cycle". I was in one a while back, you can't see that you're stuck in this thing when you're in them. You don't realize that the person that you're with is a complete and total flake. He can't get out of the cycle til he realizes this on his own and breaks off contact on his own.


There's not alot you can do right now, since he's locked in the "on" stage of the relationship cycle right now. Back away for the time being. She'll flake on him again and he'll call you.


Trust me those relationship don't last. Not when they are so one-sided.

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He let you go hunni, it says it all about him right there i'm afraid...:bunny:


*big hugs*


Go find yourself someone, who won't let you go that easily...that's someone worth being with

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