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Friends W/ Benefits..Playing Games?

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Ok so I met this guy a lil while ago..I know that everyone says it's so bad..and maybe it is but whatever, we slept together the first night. Ok after that, he called me EVERY SINGLE NIGHT..we would stay on the phone for a couple of hours or whatever. Then we saw each other again. He came over late one night and stayed like the middle of the next afternoon. Ok, then we're still talking on the phone, all this week we've talked for like 4-5 hours a night STRAIGHT. I'm not LOOKING for a boyfriend, and that's fine. He says he doesn't want a girlfriend, that basically we're friends with benefits. That's cool with me, but I told him I am going to be the ONLY friend he has like that. I know I don't have any CLAIM on him but that's just the way I am. I don't share anything with anyone..and definitely not my men. Well today I call our mutual friend's cell phone and I discover that they're hanging out together over at a GIRL'S house. And I could hear "my" guy in the background asking this girl if she wanted to chill with them for awhile. F**k that. He told me when I said no other girls, "no it won't happen cuz I'm happy with what I have". So now my dilemma is...is he playin games? Like he says things that makes me think that he's into me...we talk for like at least 4 hours a night..but now he's at some girls house while I'm at work??????????? I've already decided that I'm not calling him tonight until he calls me...but what should I say about this? I'm not going to let it slide by any means..but I don't want to come off sounding psycho either yah know? HELP ME!

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are just that... there is no commitment from either sides... so you got to accept the fact that he can have many FWB and same for you.


If you can't deal with this...then you need to move on... you cannot ask this guy to be faithful when you're not in a committed relationship... simple.

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are just that... there is no commitment from either sides... so you got to accept the fact that he can have many FWB and same for you.


If you can't deal with this...then you need to move on... you cannot ask this guy to be faithful when you're not in a committed relationship... simple.


The problem with FWB is that it's basically a step under being exclusive...but it is NOT exclusive. The reason for inventing FWB is so that those who don't wish to be exclusive, don't have to be. To say that you want him to be your FWB and no one else's, is like asking him to f*k you and only you, yet you don't want a "boyfriend", so you also have the option to screw someone else. He knows you have that option, so he probably doesn't think its fair of you to say what you are saying.


FWB means dealing with jealousy and everything in between, yet people think it's the best way to enjoy a sexual relationship without being obligated in other ways. Someone just always ends up wanting more deep down, so someone almost always gets hurt....I do know married couples who started as FWB though...anyhow, FWB isn't something a person should get involved in, unless they are prepared to handle the B.S. that comes with it.

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