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I am discouraged, and sad. Bleegggh.

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Ryan and I went shopping for an entertainment center for our soon-to-be new apartment on Saturday.


On Wednesday, he went out "with the guys". He proceeded to tell me how much crap they were giving him because he called me beforehand to let me know where he was going.


I really don't care what he does with his fat, disgusting crowd of beer guzzling freak shows. (They're all a bunch of jerks.) I just hate it when he breaks plans with me. (He didn't, but I'm just saying.)


So he calls me at like, 3:00 a.m, wasted like a trash can, to tell me how much he loved and missed me. I thought it was nice.


Yesterday, after thinking about how much he "loved and missed me", I was sure he'd be happy to see me. I went over to see him, and he was totally hung over. Basically, he was a total jackass to me, yesterday and this morning.


He did decide to tell me, however, and I don't know why he told me... but he just felt like he needed to... that his ex-girlfriend is a bartender at the bar he was at the night before.


So I said, "Oh. That's nice. Is that why you went?"


(A very smart ass thing to say.)


He told me no, he didn't even know she worked there. Then he said she wasn't even working last night. In a very pissy tone. Because I'm so "insecure".


I'll tell you what, if I had gone to the bar with a bunch of chicks, and MY ex-boyfriend was working there, and I had done nothing with him, I definitely wouldn't have brought it up to Ryan. So, maybe that's a little suspicious. I don't know. What do you think?


I just think he's being weird. He's a jackass when I'm around, but when I'm not, he sends me e-mails from work telling me how much he misses me, and voicemails when he's drunk telling me how much he loves me.


What the hell gives?


Another thing that's bothering the hell out of me, is, he won't kiss me directly on the lips anymore. Very rarely. Like, it disgusts him. So you know what that means...we only have sex when we're drunk. Which really sucks too, because he watches porn all the time.


Also, he likes to wake up very early in the morning and go on the computer. He's not watching porn. He's on My Space. (Damn that website.) It seems like he does it super early so I won't walk in and watch him typing.


He's really bugging the crap out of me. Mostly because I'm not sure if he likes me anymore...


then why would we go furniture shopping?



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I'm also starting to feel really disgustingly ugly because of the aforementioned. He doesn't compliment the way I look, either. It's really bringing me down. I'm starting to feel I need some attention from elsewhere.

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I had issues with my man on myspace also. I will be totally honest that I myself used to go on myspace a lot I had maybe like 85 friends but 75 were bands I like and the rest old friends from school and a couple people I found on myspace. I didn't flirt with men or look for hot guys on there. I actually had some guys send me messages hitting on me but I showed my man and never responded to those men on there. Well my man decides he wanted a page so I said fine. Anyway I don't care if he has female friends but I saw he was trying to be friends with a bunch of whores and some 17 yr old girl ( he's 29 by the way). Before that I trusted him but know I wonder about him. A gay male friend of mine said I over acted and it shouldn't be a big deal cause it's only on the computer well I know my man wouldn't like me flirting with or checking out hot guys on there. Myspace causes too much drama! It's very strange though your man doesn't kiss you. Don't feel down on yourself though cause he sounds like a jerk and better men do exist somewhere.

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East of Jupiter


I'm also starting to feel really disgustingly ugly because of the aforementioned. He doesn't compliment the way I look, either. It's really bringing me down. I'm starting to feel I need some attention from elsewhere.



So many red flags, so little time.


Honey go find youself a nice man you are dealing with am immature little boy. The beginning of the relationship is when things are supposed to be FANTASTIC. if this is what he is like now, he will only get worse. You derserve so much better. Not kissing in the mouth? No sex unless he's drunk? Going out with the boys and complaining of peer pressure when he calls you? Calliing at 3:00 a.m. drunk? Not appreciative of your coming over because he is hung over? Getting up extra early to play on the computer so you won't see what he is up to? Sounds like you are living the song "Call me When You're Sober."


In other words ..


RUN! Don't walk.

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