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Please! Need as much advice as possible =(


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I have been inlove with this guy for so long (2 Years) He has a girlfriend...But no matter how hard I try I can't get him off my mind. I love him more than life itself... I "Know" deep down he's my other half, but it hurts so much seeing him and her together....What are some ways I could get him off my mind...or even cause me to "fall out of love" with him... I don't know what to do anymore, Since I can't have him a part of my life, as in partner wise, I guess the only thing left to do is block him out of my mind....Please help me out..I need all the advice I can get....

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Hi Kristina --


I sympathize with what you are going through as I had to do it a few times myself. The ONLY way I have found that it works is by COMPLETELY cutting off all contact until you are completely over it. Love needs fuel to feed it, and that he is. Don't fool yourself by thinking you can "keep in touch" or "be friends" -- it's obvious these feelings have been there for a long time and will not go away unless you completely remove him from your life. Avoid places where he might be and any other reminders of him. Don't ask friends questions about him and his girlfriend, live your life as if he wasn't a part. It's the only way until you have healed.


It's not an easy thing to do, but keep in mind that you won't have to do this forever -- just long enough until you're over it. But be prepared for some painful nights -- they will come, but remember that they do pass eventually.


And just remember, that the only way to "block" something from your mind is to put new thoughts in it. You can't sit around and do nothing -- go out with some friends, take up a new hobby or something, become interested in something else besides your feelings for him. And one day you will wake up and realize that you haven't thought about him for some time. Best of luck.

I have been inlove with this guy for so long (2 Years) He has a girlfriend...But no matter how hard I try I can't get him off my mind. I love him more than life itself... I "Know" deep down he's my other half, but it hurts so much seeing him and her together....What are some ways I could get him off my mind...or even cause me to "fall out of love" with him... I don't know what to do anymore, Since I can't have him a part of my life, as in partner wise, I guess the only thing left to do is block him out of my mind....Please help me out..I need all the advice I can get....
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I agree with everything "no longer" said. Don't worry about how you feel too much either, because we've all experienced what you are going through, in one way or another. It's hard though, isn't it? BUT, the good news!! One day you will find someone who IS in a place to love you back, and this guy will just be a sweet memory. All the best.

I have been inlove with this guy for so long (2 Years) He has a girlfriend...But no matter how hard I try I can't get him off my mind. I love him more than life itself... I "Know" deep down he's my other half, but it hurts so much seeing him and her together....What are some ways I could get him off my mind...or even cause me to "fall out of love" with him... I don't know what to do anymore, Since I can't have him a part of my life, as in partner wise, I guess the only thing left to do is block him out of my mind....Please help me out..I need all the advice I can get....
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Thanks no longer...I will try this. I mett some really sweet people and I've taken up an old hobby of running track.


But what if it turn's out to be you sister's brother in law and he's always around 24\7... My sister and her husband lives in the same home as I do. And her husband and brother are best friends.

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Marigold + No longer,


Thank you so much you two. I guess maybe it's time to forget my old love....Never know what new years will bring. Hopefully I'll meet someone who will love me the same as I do him. Thanks again!!

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I must thank you for your kind and flattering words, indeed it was most unexpected. You seem like a good person yourself, and we definitely agree on our feelings regarding relationships. I would have no problem getting to know you except that I am involved with someone and I want to see if it will work out. Perhaps my postings made it seem that it was already over or I was right about to get out, but right now I am still trying and unavailable. I firmly believe in having closure with past/present lovers before getting involved, or even looking to get involved, with someone else. I have no problem being your friend, but it would be wrong for me to get to know you on any level beyond friendship.


With that said, I again appreciate your words. I wouldn't be on this page if I didn't want to seek advice and be there for others who may benefit from my experience. Feel free to write to me at anytime.

No longer, I've been thinking, I found where you wrote on the advice column as :Ready to make a decision on girl with too many Exes: That's you right? Well.. As it seems we are almost going through the same problem, and if it's ok with you I would really like to get to know you, you seem like a really sweet gentleman with an open mind and heart and you seem to really know what you want out of life. But it's up to you. I'm sorry if this might seem a little stange considering that we don't know anything about each other, but if your willing to give it a try, I am too... I'm 18, Long brown hair, Brown eyes, 6 foot tall and 139LBS. Love living life to the fullest and when it comes to a relationship it's always 50-50, I don't believe in one person controling the other, to me thats not right...I'm sorry if I seem straight forward but I've always believed in saying whats on your mind and in your heart.


But if your not interested in getting to know one another I completely understand. Please respond to this leter. Well Until then Take care and Sweet Dreams.


Always, Kristina

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WOOPS! Spoke too soon...hehe


See the conclusion up top.....what a life.

Kristina, I must thank you for your kind and flattering words, indeed it was most unexpected. You seem like a good person yourself, and we definitely agree on our feelings regarding relationships. I would have no problem getting to know you except that I am involved with someone and I want to see if it will work out. Perhaps my postings made it seem that it was already over or I was right about to get out, but right now I am still trying and unavailable. I firmly believe in having closure with past/present lovers before getting involved, or even looking to get involved, with someone else. I have no problem being your friend, but it would be wrong for me to get to know you on any level beyond friendship. With that said, I again appreciate your words. I wouldn't be on this page if I didn't want to seek advice and be there for others who may benefit from my experience. Feel free to write to me at anytime.
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No Longer,


Thats quite alright, That would be very nice to become friends. Thanks for replying. I'm sorry about saying all that I should of never said any of those things but you just seem so sweet. But I really hope we can be friend. Well better get going....Have to be at work in 5 minutes!!


Stay Sweet & Sweet Dreams!




Kristina, I must thank you for your kind and flattering words, indeed it was most unexpected. You seem like a good person yourself, and we definitely agree on our feelings regarding relationships. I would have no problem getting to know you except that I am involved with someone and I want to see if it will work out. Perhaps my postings made it seem that it was already over or I was right about to get out, but right now I am still trying and unavailable. I firmly believe in having closure with past/present lovers before getting involved, or even looking to get involved, with someone else. I have no problem being your friend, but it would be wrong for me to get to know you on any level beyond friendship. With that said, I again appreciate your words. I wouldn't be on this page if I didn't want to seek advice and be there for others who may benefit from my experience. Feel free to write to me at anytime.
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No Longer,


I hope you'll feel alright. I am so sorry about what happened. Just want you to know that I'll always be here for you. But, If you do ever change your mind about before...Hey I'm here. Guees I better really go before late for work, Untill then Sweet Dreams and Member to smile for me :)




WOOPS! Spoke too soon...hehe See the conclusion up top.....what a life.


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