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Desire and cheating

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  • Are you guys completely ok with your SO (sexually) desiring other people, as long as they don’t act upon their desires?

  • Do you yourself (sexually) desire other people?

It looks like I’m the only person who doesn’t get this :(

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  • Are you guys completely ok with your SO (sexually) desiring other people, as long as they don’t act upon their desires?

  • Do you yourself (sexually) desire other people?

It looks like I’m the only person who doesn’t get this :(


It all depends on how you mean desire.


Am I ok with a SO desireing someone else sexually? Not in the least, and if I knew my SO did desire someone else in that way, she wouldn't be my SO for much longer.


Now if you are talking about yourself or your SO simply admiring the way other people look or think someone is cute or sexy...that is just natural.


But if my SO said something like, "I'd like to f#ck him, but never would"...then she'd be put out like yesterday's trash.

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