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paralysis by analysis :)

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1. If a girl sits in a bar with a guy until 3 am in the morning (on more than one occassion), and shows no signs of wanting to leave his side, does this indicate that she likes him as more than a friend?


2. If the same girl makes comments like "i bet she was a bimbo", when the the guy mentions a girl he saw that he thought was cute, is this an indication of jealousy?


3. If the girl seems to be happy/excited? and slightly nervy whenever she meets up with this guy, is this an indication that she likes him?


Yes the guy in the questions is me, and the girl (I'll call her jane),is one whom I've now known for about 7 months. There's an age difference (27 to 22) that may be causing some reluctance from both people to make a move, but.... this girl is completely stunning, a hell of a lot of fun to hang out with, smart and bottom line is that I cant get her out of my head. Except..... nothing has happened between us, other than this feeling that there is something between the two of us, that I think she might be too shy and inexperienced to talk about, and I havent talked about because firstly I dont want to scare her off being friends with me, and secondly in all honestly sometimes I want to start something serious with her, and at other times I get the feeling that she's too young for me.


However, from the first time I saw this girl, I got the feeling that there was something between her and I, and this is the first time in my life that I've been attracted to someone for all the right reasons. There's just something about this girl that feels like she's right for me, but as one of my friends put it i'm suffering "paralysis by analysis".


On the down side, I've seen another guy kissing "jane", but the weird thing was she looked like she didnt want to kiss him. I never asked her who he was and havent seen her with him since. Besides since the start of the year I've dated other girls, but always felt as though I was spending time with the wrong girl, and that I should be out with "jane". I havent seen "jane" for a couple of weeks because I've been so busy, but I'm meeting up with her this week. I'm not going to procrastinate anymore, so I plan on doing something about all this when I see her.


Which either means talking about all of this with her and possibly sounding like the complete woos that I no doubt am, or just kissing her and seeing what happens.


Errrgghhh which is the best way to play this? If things go badly I may well lose a friend, but if thats the case so be it. If I get some helpful replies I will post back at the end of the week and finish the story.

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Why not just finish the story?


But here are my thoughts. First of all, why haven't you just asked her out yet? You don't need to kiss her yet. Ask her out on an actual date first. If she says yes, then she's interested. If not, you'll know she just wants to be friends and hang out with you.


Secondly, what's the big deal about this "age difference?" It's only 5 years. In my mind, that's not really much of an age difference. My H and I are 6 1/2 years apart and it's never been an issue (we both met when we were in our 30's).

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I agree, it sounds like she may like you...if not, I'd be suprised....and despite the possibility of her not liking you "that way", she would probably be down with hanging out with you one on one, and then who knows what could develop! Good Luck!

BTW, I also have the paralysis by analysis syndrome...so I completely understand =)

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1. If a girl sits in a bar with a guy until 3 am in the morning (on more than one occassion), and shows no signs of wanting to leave his side, does this indicate that she likes him as more than a friend?


Not necessarily. She could like you as someone who is fun to be with but is only friend material.


2. If the same girl makes comments like "i bet she was a bimbo", when the the guy mentions a girl he saw that he thought was cute, is this an indication of jealousy?


Not necessarily. The girl could be a bimbo. If it looks like one and acts like one, it more than likely is one.

3. If the girl seems to be happy/excited? and slightly nervy whenever she meets up with this guy, is this an indication that she likes him?



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1. If a girl sits in a bar with a guy until 3 am in the morning (on more than one occassion), and shows no signs of wanting to leave his side, does this indicate that she likes him as more than a friend?

No, it doesn't


2. If the same girl makes comments like "i bet she was a bimbo", when the the guy mentions a girl he saw that he thought was cute, is this an indication of jealousy?

She's probably jealous of other girl cause she's more pretty or skinny or whatever but it doesn't necessarily mean you are involved in jelousy.


3. If the girl seems to be happy/excited? and slightly nervy whenever she meets up with this guy, is this an indication that she likes him?

ROmantically? No. As a friend, probably.


Errrgghhh which is the best way to play this? If things go badly I may well lose a friend, but if thats the case so be it. If I get some helpful replies I will post back at the end of the week and finish the story.

Sorry but you're already in the friends zone BOGUN. I don't recommend being just friends with opposite sex. You should look else where for love and sex.

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