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Wierd Situation with older girl...don't know what to think about it

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So here's the thing, I'm 21, and have an internship this summer. One of the full-time employees, who is in her mid 20's, and I got to talking, had a lot in common and started hanging out a lot. We've been out drinking, to dinner, movies, etc. but I've been afraid to make a move, always thinking it's the wrong moment.


The thing is, I don't know what to call these outings. Sometimes it feels like a date, other times it doesn't, and I don't know what to think. She's dating this one other dude, but has only been out with him twice, while we've been out 8-10 times in the past month. Only time I ever tried making some sort of move, we were both drunk, and I asked to give her a kiss goodbye and she said "on the cheek" gladly with no hesitation. That was the 2nd "date" or whatever these things were.


The thing is, I frankly just don't know where to go from here. Should I ask her to hang out again, or will it not happen? Should I make a move or not? Regardless, my internship ends in a couple weeks before I head back to college, and I feel I'd regret it if I didn't do SOMETHING.


This is a really wierd situation for me, and any advice/insight you guys can give will be really helpful.

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Sit down with the person and define it. We spend far too much time dancing around the issue of feelings and direction and we spend fart too little time talking about the heart of the matter. If it's meant to be then she'll be receptive to your inquiry.

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She's not into you. If a guy asked to kiss me and I responded, "On the cheek" that can be directly interpreted as "I am interested in you only as a friend, you are fun to hang out with and I like spending time with you, but nothing's happening because I'm not attracted to you in a sexual way, no way in hell this is happening beyond friendship and hanging out. Sorry."

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