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What are "friends with benefits"?

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Yes it makes sense but I'm not up for a booty call on the side with someone else - too much disease out there. For me it would have to be an exclusive friends with benefits period. Its great if you can keep from getting your heart attached as time goes on.


Good Luck!



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[font=arial][/font][color=black][/color]Hey sorry if this is a reply message but i just registered with this and im wondering if im doing this all right, if i want to start my own forum thing....how do i exactly do it? help would be greatly appreciated! thanks!

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Hey Missy10


I agree. I am the woman in this fwb situation, and my heart doesn't allow me booty calls. I need a real connection to be that intimate. However, I am fine with him having a one night stand here or there. He knows I don't, but that isn't to say I can't.


My heart is definitely attached. And I enjoy that. I can't have a sexual relationship with someone I am not connected to. I'm just not built that way. That's where it becomes important to have a very strong, close and honest friendship first.


I have a question. If the fwb is exclusive, what distinguishes it from dating?

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Well, even Jerry and Elaine couldn't handle a friends with benefits situation...



-What happens if you get pregnant? Don't tell me you won't, there's no 100% effective birth control.

-What happens if one of you wants to start dating someone?

-What happens if you DO develop feelings for him?

-Are you actually GOOD friends? Would he support you during hard times or run away?

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  • 1 month later...

Hey ppl i am kinda in a lil jam , and i was wondering if u guys can help .... i will appreciate it ....Jus tell me what u think i should do : Anyways it goes like this ... U see i have the world's most faithful boyfriend , he's a great guy , smart, funny and dependable , ambitious . Well anyway u get the drift. But there is one big problem , in the sexual department he stinks . Nigga jus don't know what the hell he is doin .


So i was thinkin to get myself one of those '' friends with benefits " u know on the side and all , jus to make me happy every now and then . I have a very good friend of mine and we have agreed mutually to do this . Mind u i have had a lil history with this friend of mine .


So what should I do . I really love my bf but he stinks in the Sexual department ....and i am turnin 20 soon and i really need some good old fashion ****ing and the only way i am gonna get that is by havin my friend with a benefit .

I know that i'll be reapin aloooooooooot of benefits . and not no freakin desease(s).

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Miss 420

Just because the guy was up front with her and suggested being friends with benefits doesn't mean he doesn't respect her. Me and a good friend have a friends with benefits arrangement, and there's nothing wrong with that. As long as the two people involved have a good, strong friendship and feel comfortable talking to each other, it can work. As long as both people are only interested in sex, and not an actual relationship, people's feelings don't get gurt. If one person wants to be more than just friends, and the other one doesn't feel the same way, then there will be problems.


As long as both people just want sex, it can work. If one person wants to be friends with benefits, and the other agrees just because they think it will make the other person see them differently and want to be in a relationship, then it probably won't work. Just make sure that you feel comfortable talking about it with them if things get weird, and make sure that's it's only about sex for both of you. It's also better if you really care about the person, even if you don't actually want to date them. In my experience, even liking the person as more than a friend doesn't make it end badly. I like my friend with benefits as a lot more than a friend, but I don't really want to be in a relationship because I don't really like spending too much time with one person. I guess I could say that i have a really big crush on him, but I don't want to date him...I'm just friends with him, and we're both really horny, and we just want to be teenagers and have sex without all the committment. Why be in a relationship just for the sex, when you can have the sex without the relationship?

I want to know if you can give me some advice. This is my first Friends with Benefits and I really don't know what to do. I like the person that I am doing the friends with benefits. We are just doing the Friends with Benefits thing tell he feels ready to have a relationship. He just broke up with his ex-girlfriend and she cheated on him so I just agreed to the Friends with Benefits. Not knowing what I just got myself in to. So could you please help me with me sutiation. Oh and he wants to have sex but I am still a virgina. So yeah I feel kind of weird asking someone I don't know. But I really need some help since it is my first time in all.
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I'm not sure how much advice I can give you since I'm in a fairly similar relationship. But well, don't rush into sex if it's not what you want.

I mean...I just met a guy a month ago, and he got jealous cause he saw me with another guy, and since then he's been hooking up with me. So although we've slept in the same bed, we haven't had sex. He's 4 years older than, and I have no doubt he wants to have sex as well, but since I'm also a virgin I just keep telling him no. Hell, I want my first time to be something more special than just some kid that doesn't even want a relationship. I like him...a lot...and I know he likes me too cause we're pretty much exclusive...just he doesn't want a serious relationship cause he came here to forget about his ex...a girl he went out with for 4 months. Look give him time..to be honest, that's what I'm doing with my guy. Maybe I'm a fool for thinking that if I just give us some time we can have a real relationship..but it also depends...I mean how well do you know this kid? I don't know the guy I'm with all too well...we just talk in parties, never call each other just to talk...but I, at least, like it that way, cause then I don't fall crazy in love with this kid, I know I'm not going to give him my virginity (unless we got serious) and...it leaves less room to be hurt. But I suppose everyone has a different opinion when it comes to these sort of issues. Some other person said it was better to have friends with benefits when you really know the person, but I know that that would make things harder for me...

I suppose that doesn't really help you. But seriously, well...give it time...

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We are just doing the Friends with Benefits thing 'til he feels ready to have a relationship. He just broke up with his ex-girlfriend and she cheated on him so I just agreed to the Friends with Benefits. Not knowing what I just got myself in to. So could you please help me with me sutiation. Oh and he wants to have sex but I am still a virgin.

Hunnhh? Here are some rules for you:

[*]Friends with benefits is NOT used as a precursor to a real, committed relationship

[*]FWB should only be engaged in by sexually and emotionally experienced people who understand the risks and rewards

[*]Any relationship, be it FWB or other, should have terms and conditions that are negotiated and agreed by both people. He can't just say "We're having FWB because that's what I want"

[*]The fact that his gf cheated on him has NO bearing on whether you should agree to his unreasonable and selfish demand


How old are you? Do you often let people tell you what to do, or push you around?

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