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Last Night Blowed..

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...like literally.

ok well, i go out to hang out with someone who i thought was just a friend, i expected to be hanging out with a bunch of other people, but we ended up by ourselves at his place. we barely talked to eachtoher, just watched tv while he akwardly starts groping me. push comes to shove. kiss leads to bj. ive always thought i was really good at it, from what ive heard. but i have never done it for so long. felt like an hour. and he never even came. it just ended with him asking if i was tired... then we went out, smoked a bowl, i told him that i dont think ive ever given head for so long before and he said it was good head. then we pretty much didnt say **** to eachother until i got dropped off to my house in the morning. when i left his car, there was no kiss, no hug, no i call you, you call me, nothing. nothing, but a kinda 'bye, see ya' kinda thing. it was just all really akward


so... what the hell happened there? like did i just do that bad of a job? did he just want a one night stand and was upset that i didnt want to put out more than i did?


gahh and hes close friends with all these guys i know and hang out with. one of them whom i really like and care about. another who's my ex and was the only guy ive ever fallen in love with. thats how i knew him and thats why i thought we were going to be hanging out with those friends last night. and now he's going to tell all of them about what happened... and now theyre going to think im a whore... which i am not. but this is the third guy out of their circle of friends that ive gotten with.

i feel terrible :[

any insight or comments would help. just to at least get me to stop worrying about it

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It sounds to me like he was just nerveous. I have an ex who could take up to that long to orgasm from a bj, and never (according to him) climaxed from intercourse in his entire life...so I wouldn't take it personally. Also, the silence could very well be due to him being embarassed about taking so long.

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This is something else.... If you don't want to be viewed as a whore why on earth did you blow him? You had no feelings for him it seems because you are more concerned he will tell the other guys. At this point it shouldn't matter.. he thinks you are easy and has little or no respect for you and you are worried about losing it with your friends whom he hangs out with...


Here's an idea why not blow guys who are not in the circle?

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Honey it's ok I promise. Sounds like yea he wanted to have a little fun and he got that...when your only just friends, the goodbye part is always awkward...he felt awkward too I bet...anyhow, when in my early 20's I had a huge group of guy friends that were all single, and I swear I hooked up or dated pretty much every one of them...I did fall in love with a couple of them too (guilty); they even all knew about it and to this day they tell me I'm the coolest chick they know (even they are all married!...except for one...and he's my roommate now!) I'm just saying don't feel like whore...these things happen and it's totally fine as long as there is an understanding about everybody's intentions...

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dahling, making out with someone should be about two people who want to please each other. What pleasure are you getting from these episodes beyond a few minutes of superficial attention and then a let down later?


Something to consider.

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nothing can justify what i did though. i know i was wrong.


i guess, i really just need to establish strong and clear boundaries before going out. because going with the flow and not even thinking, like what i did, is not a good idea.


more embarassing than anything. already found out he told his friends. probably ruining my friendship with some of them and ruining my chances with the guy i really cared about


sigh. i just wanna go back in timmmeeeeeee :[

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It's neither right or wrong. It's done. We've all done things we've regretted although each regret creates an opportunity to learn something about people and ourselves. You learn to take care of yourself because no one else will do it for you.


If anything, it's very childish of him to kiss and tell. I would have a little chat with him and explain in no uncertain terms that you're disgusted with his actions. That you gave something to him and he gave you hurt in return, pretty much sums up the person he is, sewage material.


It sounds like you may need to find another group of people to hang out with, 'cause friends like this you don't need to have around.

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If anything, it's very childish of him to kiss and tell. I would have a little chat with him and explain in no uncertain terms that you're disgusted with his actions. That you gave something to him and he gave you hurt in return, pretty much sums up the person he is, sewage material.


well we are only teenagers. he's about 18 or 19. thats still an immature age for anyone


and i dont think id talk to him about how disgusted i am with his actions. im more disgusted by mine anyways. i dont plan i talking about it at all with anyone unless its brought up. i just want it to go away!

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ive always thought i was really good at it, from what ive heard.


Yes, and he probably heard the same thing here and this was a good opportunity to put it into action. Guys talk... if it's a close circle of friends you can count on it that they talk and know all about such. Of course he's going to tell them. Everyone makes mistakes, but we are all in control of our actions and what comes of it should be expected.


Have some self respect..period, you don't wish to be portrayed a certain way right?? but on the other hand you are concerned about your overall performance rating on the blow job from someone who could care less about you!? I dont understand what it is you want more of.


Set higher standards for yourself, Dinner and a movie is a date with someone, TV and a blow job is a one nighter.

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