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Toy jealousy

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Alright, I played this situation over in my head about 1000 times... I didn't know whether to post on here because I'd sound like some whiny bitch, but I came to the conclusion that maybe someone can relate with me...


I am part of a young couple. We've been going out for a little over 8 months. We've done EVERYTHING. I'm currently away on a small business trip and my girlfriend discovered her roomate's toy bag in the apartment. The other day she was telling me that her roomate is gone for about a month somewhere overseas, and she decided to play with some of the various toys. Now, to describe this bag, it's like one of those canvas purses women have. That has woven nylong handles. Very large. Well it's one of those FULL of vibrators and toys of all kinds...


Anyways, she started playing with the toys on Friday. She found her favorite, which is actually a popular vibrator, or so I've heard. It's pink, with a rabbit that's the vibrating thing, and then the shaft is actually the rabbit's dick. There's also a sphere-like section full of "pearls" that allows the shaft to rotate...


Anyways, today my girlfriend started masterbating while I was taking a nap. Within 30 minutes she had texted and told me that she came twice, and then had "thee best orgasm evrr" what I believe her exact words...


The problem I'm having is... I don't have low self esteem. I don't feel inadequte. I'm very comfortable with my size and how our sex life is... But for some unknown reason, when I read this, I got this weird nausated feeling in the pit of my stomach, like I found out she cheated. I guess I somewhat feel that it's kinda bull**** that girls have it so much better in the gential department. Granted, they have periods. But that's about the only major downfall. They have more feeling, better orgasms, plus that have 1000's of different toys that can do different things and give different sensations...


Anyways, because of our jobs and schooling, I'm only able to see her about every weekend to every other weekend. Just depends on a lot of ****. She said the reason she had "thee best orgasm ever" was she hit the right spot, which caused her to come four times.


Has anyone gone through this before? Found out your girl was playing witha toy and kinda got jealous?


Some feedback would be nice, I feel like I'm a little goldfish in a huge ocean (or in other words: alone) on this subject..


Thanks in advanced,



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I can't personally relate but I think this topic is normal, some men throw away girlfriends' vibrators and ect. It is very natural to be jealous in that situation. But you shouldn't be jealous because you only see her once a week, its not like she chose the vibrator over you. On the other hand isn't it disgusting that she played with someone else's sex toys while they were gone?? I guess you can't trust roomates, that made me :sick:

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My exH use to throw away my toys too. I didn't consider it cheating because it's not another person, same as I wouldn't get jealous of him looking at porn girls and jerking off if I was tired or something.


Everybody needs sexual release.


But if you can get past your feelings of jealousy it'd be kind of cool to play with this whole scenario. You could text her back and tell her to call you before she does it next time so you can share the moment with her. Tell her you're gonna jerk off listening to her coming.


That's another reason why text messaging sucks...it takes all the fun out of phone sex! It's a nice little thing to do with the one you want when you can't be with the one you want.

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.........There are toys for men too you know ;)


Plus you can play with the toys together, you use them on her and it'll be you giving her the pleasure with the toy.


It's kinky and kinky is fun...sounds to me like she's trying to involve you because she's thinking about you and missing you.

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Good grief,


Most men have been masterbating since childhood. What in the world is the problem with a woman having a toy???? Keeps her honest in my opinion. Unless it interferes in your sex life, I don't see the problem at all. I know women with bags like your girlfriends friend and women with just a favorite. Most of them have names.


How could her pleasuring herself bother you. Most of mine were bought by my H, but I will admit that he has had a problem with them if I use them at an inoportune time. GEEZ it just amazes me when MEN have a problem with this!

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No no no no lol... I have NO problem whatsoever with her getting herself off. My whole issue is, it sounded like she was almost picking the vibrator over me by saying that he vibrator can hit the right spot and she had "thee best orgasm ever."


I dunno, it was almost like psychologically demeaning...


Not sure how exactly to describe the feeling...



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Thats so gross that she is using her friends toys!!!! :sick: If she wants one she needs to buy one herself. Plus why did she snoop around her friends stuff anyway? :confused:.

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I got a close insight here for ya. My and my girl where fooling around one day, you know, you masturbate to watching her masturbate. It was fun until she got off and just rolled over to sleep. At least you weren't left hanging in the mean time. Although the next day when she realised what she'd done she really made it up to me. You should try watching her on your weekend together, it can be a really intense moment, just make sure nobodies tired first.

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Thats so gross that she is using her friends toys!!!! :sick: If she wants one she needs to buy one herself. Plus why did she snoop around her friends stuff anyway? :confused:.


I was wondering the SAME thing!!!!!! That is so gross...you dont share or borrow toys, just as you dont share underwear. Gross!


Anyway...toys are designed to do exactly what she is describing. If it is affecting your self esteem then maybe you cant handle it, ask her not to tell you about it anymore. BUT!!!! A toy can never replace a man, especially when there are feelings involved.

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I know what your feeling. You want to be able to be the best for her, and you feel like now thats not possible, because you cant really compete with a vibrator and a fantasy.


I'm not sure this will help, but consider that it may be a different type of orgasm than what you provide.

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Text her back saying you bought a blow up doll and just had the "best sex ever" with it. Then bring it around when you next meet her, and at night say you are just going downstairs to have fun with "Candy". That'll teach her!

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i think you just figured out your next gift for her....I hate to break it to you, but there's no way any mans dick can do what the rabbit does...The good news is...No woman becomes emotionally attachted to a plastic rabbit.... but a man with his non vibrating, non spinning wang is a different story, so you're quite safe... If shes down to letting you play with her with the rabbit (that you're going to get), chances are she's going to learn about an all new level of intense orgasms......having a lover use a toy on you.

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You are not jealous of the toys but rather that you weren't there for her when she had the 3 Os.


I had a similar fear, but now embrace the idea of bringing toys when I am with a gf for the sake of really knowing what does it in for her. When you are intimitate, it is difficult to step back and see what really works b/c she does not want to hurt your feelings. But if you do something w/ a machine and it does not do anything for her, she will tell you, and you will know.


Soo, if you want you can tell her that you felt cheated that you werent there to see her Os but at least that you want in on the action. Then probe away. BTW there are some humungous instruments out there, don't get intimidated by the size, if you go after the instrument, just realize that you may have to have her in a more closed legged position.

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If it puts a smile on your woman's face, it's a good thing.


Text her back - 'that's so hot! I'm looking forward to seeing you do that in person next week!'


Embrace the fact that your GF has just found a whole new level to her sexuality, and that she'll be wanting to work on that with you.


You and the toy provide different services - you are about love, intimacy, and hot, sweaty sex. The toy is about direct mechanical stimulation of her girly bits.


Without some truly radical surgery, you simply can't do what the toy can do. Just like you can't sprout four wheels and drive down to the mall. Don't try to compete, just use the toy to take you where you want to go...

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