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Did I miss an opportunity or not?

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I had a female coworker friend who I became buddies with. She no longer works for the company and I don't see her anymore but I still have her number. Back in January of this year, I noticed that I started feeling differently about her. I was falling in love with her, but I never approached my friend because I was afraid she didn't feel the same way. So I kept my mouth shut. There were some times I thought she was flirting with me. She used to call me at home and ask me what I was doing, but that eventually stopped. At work, she loved doing things to get a rise out of me. She liked to see me blush. She thought it was funny. She knew that I was a shy guy and she tried to get me to open up. She even thought that I should date. However, when I told her that I was communicating with a girl, my friend didn't seem to take much interest. She asked me pointed questions about who I was talking to, but she never seemed really thrilled about it. When I was feeling this way about my friend, an old boyfriend walked back into her life. She always walked away from this particular guy and now here he is again. They spend a lot of time together. Because she has a boyfriend now, I can't ask her out, and I'm also afraid to call my friend because I feel that I might be bothering her. She's no longer at work, so I don't see her or talk to her at all. I guess the fact that she has a boyfriend now means she was not interested in me, so maybe I didn't lose anything by not speaking up. I don't know. Did I miss out on something good? What do you think?

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Yeah, I think you missed out from what you described.


Keep friendly contact. If she starts complaining about her BF, thats when you make your move.


Other than that, keep looking. Don't get hung up on her because it may not happen.


I don't know how well you really know her though. I mean, the fact you say you were 'falling in love' with her but wasn't close enough to really hang out kind says you were building some fantasy world with her, which is normal. Careful with the love thing with someone you never even dated.

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