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Girlfriend On "myspace"

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Hello, I have been dating this girl for almost 4 months. In this time we have had our ups and downs but over all we make a great couple and we wanna be together and love eachother. Theres just one thing that pisses me off.... MYSPACE. She is an MYSPACE addict, every week theres a new 5 or so pics up of her, with tons of cleavage and ect. I for one do not like this at all because i feel that pictures like that are meant for attention and she is with someone so there is no point to it. She says she does it because its something she likes to do and she wanted to take pictures of herself in underwear, ect. I told her no and that it was disrespectful doing something like that and that being as she is in a relationship, she should act like it.


I constantly go in a game of circles with her where she just makes me feel like **** and she continusly posts pictures of her cleavage showing ( heavily ) and other, seductive/ attention catching pictures. I dont like this and i think it only starts trouble because it grabs guys attention and we all know how us guys can be soo am i right or wrong about this? I think there should be boundaries as to what she takes of herself being as certain things should be for my eyes only and not millions of users but i feel like im sharing her with MYSPACE. Also another thing that bothers me is that whenever she is with me she doesnt really "dress up" around me but for myspace pictures well psh she goes all out... Something wrong? your help would be greatly appreciated, thanks

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That is not right of her at all. It's ok to put up pictures but they don't have to be slutty!! I know how you feel cause I had problems with my boyfriend on myspace!! I had a page but never flirted or searched for hot guys well that's all my man wanted to add was a bunch of cheap whores! I cancelled my page. Myspace is great for attetion whores and cheaters!

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Alex, She doesnt dress up because she is comfortable around you. That is not particularly bad, except for the fact that she feels no need to impress you. The pictures however should show you that she is seeking attention from other guys. It really doesnt matter if she is just fishing for compliments or searching for a new boyfriend. Its obvious that your approval and attention is not enough for her.


You may want to let her know exactly how that makes you feel. If it were me, Id dump her.

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I normally tell people to just get over it when they complain about Myspace since I think to many people have control issues in their relationships but in this case it sounds like what your gf is doing is disrespectful. Posting sexy pictures of herself on the internet for other men to oggle isn't right. If she knows that it bothers you and still does it, you need to take a stand. Tell her it is no OK and if it continues the relationship coudl end. Its not a matter of control, but of respect. You shoudl mean more ot her than her myspace album.

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Yeah I agree, there is no reason to post slutty pictures on myspace unless someone is desperate for attention! You have every right to be annoyed! I had pictures of myself on my page but I was covered and not showing cleavage and not dressing like a hooker!

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Hi Alex,


Your girfriend is addicted to the attention and disregarding your feelings. It seems that she's still quite immature and is needing lots of exterior, sexual validation. She's not finding validation within herself. Her self-esteem's being propped up by the attention. No matter what you tell her, she'll keep doing it. She'll come around to the decision to stop when she learns to be happier with herself and that you're worth respecting. You've only been dating for almost 4 months. If she doesn't respect you now, in the honeymoon stage, it's not a good sign.

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Looks like I'm following your lead tonight Mental ;)


Look, it's not right or wrong... it's HER. This is what she chooses to do. Good for her. If she needs to post slutty pictures of herself on the internet then she should be fully supported in her artistic talents. :rolleyes:


That said, you don't have to like it, and apparently she doesn't care if you do or not. And THAT is what should concern you. You need to assume she is going to continue doing it for the attention it gets her. It's not for you to tell her what to do, but it is for you to decide if you want to stand by and watch.

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Look, it's not right or wrong... it's HER. This is what she chooses to do. Good for her. If she needs to post slutty pictures of herself on the internet then she should be fully supported in her artistic talents. :rolleyes:


if relativity is used all of the time, then there would never be any right or wrong.


in this case, her behavior is not right. if she were single, then let her. the problem is that she is not. she has a boyfriend--one she needs to respect if she hopes to have a meaningful relationship with--and thus she should not be behaving this way.


her behavior, given that she is in a relationship, is wrong.


however, i agree with you that if he doesn't like it, which is completely understandable, then he needs to leave her.

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I read a lot of companies look to see if you have a myspace page before they hire you to see what kind of person you are. This girl may not get hired by a good well paid company with the pictures you describe she puts onto her myspace page. Not only that but it is not respecting you as you have told her you do not like it. I don't see anything wrong with her having a myspace, by all means thats her choice, just like her posting naughty pictures on there is also her choice, but not respecting how you feel about it is something I think you should not put up with. I think you should try talk to her again about the type of pictures she has up, if she does not respect you then I think the best thing to do is leave her. She seems to love myspace more than she does you.

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I agree with what people said. If you don't like her trying to get attention elsewhere (which MS is probably just one small aspect of that you can see) you should break up with her. Thats just her.


I read a lot of companies look to see if you have a myspace page before they hire you to see what kind of person you are. This girl may not get hired by a good well paid company with the pictures you describe she puts onto her myspace page.


Doh! No wonder I never get the good jobs (takes creepy pictures and offensive literature off of myspace.) Nah actually I don't know about that, anyone who is smart uses a different email adress and not thier full name.

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Being in a relationship means trusting your other significant other. I learned this from my boyfriend, and I live by it.

Also, assuming is probably one of the most terrible things out there. Really.


Good luck with her!

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Some guys like having their horse flashing her stuff, getting her attention from other men and then feeling superior that "yeah, I already have her!"


You are just not that guy, so move on.:)

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