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should I keep talking to him?

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9 month ago, my x- boyfriend, a long-time devorcee, broke up with me for a small thing. Even he admited the relationship was good while we were together for 9 months but he could not accept what I did and that was the reason to brake up. (Later, he had accepted my apology.) When braking up, I told him that he should get over with his marriage before he will see any woman.


A few month later I approached him for talk but he refused to meet and talk alone, except socializing in public. So we discommunicated again.


Recently, at the function, he started to talk to me and I knew he was looking at me from far away. At the end of the event, we got our communication back.


Now he replies to my e-mail or sms like the way it used to be. But it does not come from him. I indicated that i would like to receive from him. But he keeps quite until I take action..


I am wondering what to take... what is this guy thinking?

Should I still keep talking to him or wait until he takes any action...

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