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Her Blah Blah Is Driving Me Crazy.


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A friend of mine. Who has recently started dating again via a singles website. Is driving me crazy.


I have avoided phone calls. Hung up the phone saying we got disconnected. I dont return phone calls. I make excuses to get off the phone within 5-10 mins.



I know she went through a divorce. And her ex H has moved on let alone is engaged to marry someone else.


I cant stand hearing about who she is going out with next. Who she banged and sent them on their way. who wanted a relationship and she isnt interested that she is having fun.


In the beginning i listened. But this is everyday. All i hear is BLAH BLAH.


How do i give her the hint its enough now. We arent kids and it isnt as funny as she thinks.

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Why don't you just tell her that she's becoming an annoyance? Be honest with her.

She probably doesn't have another person to rant to. I sorta feel bad for her.:(

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Why don't you just tell her that she's becoming an annoyance? Be honest with her.

She probably doesn't have another person to rant to. I sorta feel bad for her.:(


do you want her number????????? please take her.



I feel bad. she has a few friends. And my guess is she tells them also. She laughs about it. Tells me on and on what the guys think of her. You would think she is pam anderson. ... SHE ISNT...( SORRY I HAD TO SAY IT).

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I have married, married with children and single friends. All three types have completely different outlooks on priorities and things they consider to be interesting.


Tolerance is key, if you want to retain her friendship. As long as you're both listening to each other's problems and lives, I don't see a problem with this. If it's a one-way street, better to address the underlying issues, than to put out small fires.

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We do talk about what is going on in eachothers lives. but lately for the past 3 months its a min 3 times a day about the same old crap.


i would like to retain the friendship but should i tell her , she is way over the extreme.

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