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Double Standard?Guys Help!

Stressful Situation

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Stressful Situation

Does the double standard for men and women still exist as you are an adult as far as not waiting very long to be intimate-as in the second date? Do guys still drop you at the snap of a finger if you become intimate even if you are not flirtatious or promiscuous and your actions show it or you explain to them that you really like them and have made an exception(as the truth not a line)but do not want to be made to feel used in the end. This is a situation where I was reluctant in the first place because I was afraid but gave in thinking he was genuine when he said he wouldn't do something like not call. I see him, he acts interested but doesn't call. I want to confront him-since I thought he was interested in dating but, now cannot even reach him. I have, as I said, seen him at his other job he has shown much interest like coming to me and initiating conversation throughout the night and all, which makes me wonder if maybe he didn't use me since it wasn't like he didn't bother with me at all, but yet, I didn't want to question him all at once. He had just said he has been busy with work and studying. I really need to know the deal. I am a really decent person with morals and this is breaking my heart.

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Yes the double standard if that's what you want to call it still exists. Sex right away sets the tone of the relationship and it's also still true that you shouldn't start a relationship with sex, even though everyone today seems to think it's a good idea for some reason. And saying that you normally never do that may be the truth but every girl says that to every guy before it goes down so he may have taken it for a line. There's a chance that he's been too busy and hasn't had a chance to reach you but if it meant that much to him he'd have found a way by now. I don't really know if I'd call this situation a double standard though. Men have sex right away when it's all they are after. Women seem to think they can start a relationship with sex and then get frustrated when it doesn't happen. Bottom line is if you're looking for a relationship wait a month or two before sleeping together. If he won't wait then he's not looking for anything serious, just a good time.


Does the double standard for men and women still exist as you are an adult as far as not waiting very long to be intimate-as in the second date? Do guys still drop you at the snap of a finger if you become intimate even if you are not flirtatious or promiscuous and your actions show it or you explain to them that you really like them and have made an exception(as the truth not a line)but do not want to be made to feel used in the end. This is a situation where I was reluctant in the first place because I was afraid but gave in thinking he was genuine when he said he wouldn't do something like not call. I see him, he acts interested but doesn't call. I want to confront him-since I thought he was interested in dating but, now cannot even reach him. I have, as I said, seen him at his other job he has shown much interest like coming to me and initiating conversation throughout the night and all, which makes me wonder if maybe he didn't use me since it wasn't like he didn't bother with me at all, but yet, I didn't want to question him all at once. He had just said he has been busy with work and studying. I really need to know the deal. I am a really decent person with morals and this is breaking my heart.
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