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turning friendships into relationships

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Hi everybody, I don’t know what to ask exactly so I guess I’ll explain my situation. I have a friend who’s a girl and I’ve known her for a really long time (years actually), so we basically know each other personally. I want to start a relationship with her because I feel like we both connect really easily. We would be able to talk for hours, and we would talk about anything (life, love, etc.) and we are really comfortable with each other. When we talk I notice how we would stare into each other’s eyes deeply, but quickly look away. We would laugh at each other’s jokes and basically just have a good time. So I guess my question is how can I tell her how I feel without putting her in an awkward situation? I can tell she likes me (I’ve picked up a lot of signals), but I don’t know what to tell her to actually take things to another level. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you!

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Tell her you have feelings for her and ask her is she has feelings for you. That way you're not beating it around the bush so to speak. If she rejects you then politely stay away until you heal and can go on with your life with someone else.

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