hdnkorul Posted August 6, 2007 Share Posted August 6, 2007 I'm a college educated, 34 year old woman who's taken care of our finances since we've been married, supported him in every aspect of his life. I have never criticized, disrespected or said anything to hurt him EVER and he tells me I always make him so angry because I don't understand where he's coming from when he talks to me. He says that he's married an 18 year old because I have my opinions from time to time when he does let me speak. And that I make him so angry he becomes a monster. I bring out the monster in him. And when he gets angry he yells loud and raises his hand occasionally. And always threatens me with divorce... Here's his view about me...He also thinks I hide things from him and don't tell him when I talk to others about things. But I can't tell him every single little detail about what I talk about to my family/friends. I tell him what's important. I"m just out of ideas and our marriage is fading fast. we are seeking counseling but he acts like an angel in there and blames me and my family for destroying his life. I am so confused.... Please help. Link to post Share on other sites
JackJack Posted August 6, 2007 Share Posted August 6, 2007 when he does let me speak. What do you mean by this statement? He doesn't allow you to speak, only when he says you can? He sounds like he has alot of anger and needs some help. Him blaming you, and accusing you of the way he feels just proves he does not want to take responsibilty for his actions/words. he is looking to find fault with you for how he acts and that is not good. Every action has a reaction and reguardless of what you say or do, only HE can control how he reacts to it. Suggest for him to seek help tell him you'll be happy to go with him. if he wont, then you have a choice, stay and be miserable in hopes he will change or you may have to leave. Link to post Share on other sites
Author hdnkorul Posted August 6, 2007 Author Share Posted August 6, 2007 I really don't think I have a chance to speak when he gets mad or wants to argue. If I say anything it makes him more mad and he doesn't want to understand what I'm saying. For example if it's about making money without a business, he says he knows he could do better in a business and make money and I say yes it's true but it takes time and money to make it grow and when you don't have the money and are so much in debt it doesn't make sense to do that. Then he tells me I don't support him and he wants to move to a cheaper state to pay less for housing and so forth. And on and on...it's always wrong what I say and it's like I don't know jack sh**. We are getting help but the therapist doesn't know his true colors...and I still don't know if I'm the cause of his frustration. But I don't believe I am. Link to post Share on other sites
JackJack Posted August 6, 2007 Share Posted August 6, 2007 We are getting help but the therapist doesn't know his true colors.. How long have you all been in thearpy? Have you explained to them how he acts towards you? if so, what have they said? Link to post Share on other sites
Grim Posted August 6, 2007 Share Posted August 6, 2007 :eek:i thought for a moment it was my marriage we were discussing. sorry babes he playing games with u. hes too lazy to end it and he is pushing u into it. u do everything else for him if u end it he gets the pleasure of blaming u then nothing is ever his fault. the easiest way to talk to a guy like this is through a laywer while getting a divorce. check ur back for foot prints u will find they are his. i moved on, and life once u grab it is sweet, but live for the moment as if everyday is ur last. i dont mean go mad but remember this is not a rehearsal u only get one go at it and make sure u r the one having fun. ________________________________________ we are here for a good time not a long time. enjoy. Link to post Share on other sites
Moose Posted August 6, 2007 Share Posted August 6, 2007 For example if it's about making money without a business, he says he knows he could do better in a business and make money and I say yes it's true but it takes time and money to make it grow and when you don't have the money and are so much in debt it doesn't make sense to do that.Could've been met with, "yes it's true. Can I help? Maybe put a business plan together with you?" With that business plan, he'd see for himself the scope of starting a new business.We are getting help but the therapist doesn't know his true colors...Don't be too quick to judge. Many therapists don't take a lot of what's said to account. They're trained to pick up other, "indicators".and I still don't know if I'm the cause of his frustration. But I don't believe I am.It depends.....do you always respond to his ideas with the downside view? Do you always offer help? It's hard to say with just this one example.... Link to post Share on other sites
Author hdnkorul Posted August 6, 2007 Author Share Posted August 6, 2007 We have only been in therapy for a week. I guess it will take time. I do give him the downside of things only because his upsides are not thought through when he presents a solution. Most of our frustration comes from our financial situation. He is unemployed right now. Always had businesses that never worked out then went to college for a few years and the last one I paid for. He didn't even get a degree and got a job from that - which later he got laid off from. He doesn't want to be involved with any financial aspect of his life. He has the worst credit and could care less. He spends like crazy and just wants to have fun but when it comes to being serious he thinks he knows it all. Link to post Share on other sites
Lizzie60 Posted August 6, 2007 Share Posted August 6, 2007 He's a total control freak jerk. Who needs a guy like him? And always threatens me with divorce... That would be the best thing that can happen to you.. Next time just tell him: 'I hope this is not a threat but a promise dear'... Put your foot down... you are allowing him to verbally abusing you..or even physically or emotionally abusing you. If you put your foot down...and put an end to all that control...he would respect you.. until you do that, do not expect him to change... he won't ... no counsillor will see his real colour so this is a dead-end situation for you. come on... stop being abused... ACT now! Just leave.... period. Link to post Share on other sites
allina Posted August 6, 2007 Share Posted August 6, 2007 He might feel resentful and like less of a man because you've supported the family throughout the entire marriage. Maybe he's trying to overcompensate by yelling, controlling and hitting you (I'm guessing that's what "raising a hand" means) He sounds bitter and horrible man, would him divorcing you be so bad? I mean you would no longer have to financially support an abusive man, is that so bad? Link to post Share on other sites
Author hdnkorul Posted August 6, 2007 Author Share Posted August 6, 2007 He has not hit me (yet). He's thrown things and hit walls but I may be next. When he wants to be good, he is a very good person. But, I don't want to be the poor little submissive wife and I want to be strong. He says he loves me and he realizes sometimes that he's scaring me but I just want to know if such a person can be helped? If I run away from him then how will I know I may not run into another jerk who will do the same to me? I am a problem solver and not a quitter. But I know if it gets real bad it may be what I need to do. I just wish there was a way to help this situation. And maybe it means that I be strong like you said and put my foot down. I do remember the 1 time I did get respect from him was when I left the house and he couldn't find me. Link to post Share on other sites
allina Posted August 6, 2007 Share Posted August 6, 2007 He has not hit me (yet). He's thrown things and hit walls but I may be next. When he wants to be good, he is a very good person. But, I don't want to be the poor little submissive wife and I want to be strong. He says he loves me and he realizes sometimes that he's scaring me but I just want to know if such a person can be helped? If I run away from him then how will I know I may not run into another jerk who will do the same to me? I am a problem solver and not a quitter. But I know if it gets real bad it may be what I need to do. I just wish there was a way to help this situation. And maybe it means that I be strong like you said and put my foot down. I do remember the 1 time I did get respect from him was when I left the house and he couldn't find me. Well only you can control what someone does or doesn't do to me. I don't know how valid my advice is because I have never been married, just live w/ a bf, but what i would do is stick up for myself. I'd look at him and tell him that I will not tolerate his hissy fits, throwing things and screaming for no good reason. Tell him that you love him and you've been supporting him for all these years and that you deserve better. And imo throwing things, even at walls is sort of abuse. Link to post Share on other sites
quankanne Posted August 6, 2007 Share Posted August 6, 2007 I am a problem solver and not a quitter. But I know if it gets real bad it may be what I need to do. I just wish there was a way to help this situation. And maybe it means that I be strong like you said and put my foot down. I do remember the 1 time I did get respect from him was when I left the house and he couldn't find me. so far, everything you've posted has raised a huge red flag in my mind that this guy is an abuser. Oh, he might only just yell and be generally disrespectful to/of you, but that's a form of abuse. I can identify with not wanting to quit, to stay the course, but sometimes, you're better off cutting your losses because you realize no progress is being made. In your case, if he doesn't respond to therapy in a certain amount of time (say 3 months), but continues to spin in his place (i.e., not matured), maybe it really is time to go. Because that only tells me that he's not interested in anything but being the victim, and will only continue to make you feel like you're at fault. that said, I agree with the poster in that it's the way you present your case/opinion/etc that the other person doesn't feel like you're against him. He wants your support for his pipe dreams, but help him explain how he's going to realize these grand plans. If he says we need to do X, even if you're skeptical, ask how y'all can go around achieving that goal ... what would it take from the BOTH of you, and how long do you want to give it before modifying your plans? However, if it looks like a skunk, walks like a skunk and smells like a skunk, don't be afraid to say so, but in a non-threatening way ... if he's mature, he'll "get" where you're coming from. Link to post Share on other sites
Author hdnkorul Posted August 6, 2007 Author Share Posted August 6, 2007 What you said really makes sense. I will give him 3 months after our therapy is over to see what progress has been made. if it gets worse or doesn't change whatsoever I'm outta this marriage. I will do the best I can to save it, but when it comes down to it, peace is all I want. I would rather be alone than to suffer forever and always be blamed for what isn't my fault. thank you all for your responses Link to post Share on other sites
Moose Posted August 6, 2007 Share Posted August 6, 2007 But, I don't want to be the poor little submissive wife and I want to be strong.I'm not meaning to offend you.....or even MY own kind....but....an intelligent women, such as yourself, (and Mrs. Moose), would know how to be submissive without relinquishing her strength. I may come off as the king of my castle on this forum. The reality is, I know who's in charge at home......you wouldn't be able to tell as a third party observer.......but that's how it truly is. "As soon as you know who's boss around here, the sooner you can give me your orders Dear........" Link to post Share on other sites
Art_Critic Posted August 6, 2007 Share Posted August 6, 2007 And always threatens me with divorce... I'm sorry that you are in a marriage that you cannot feel good about.. Have a look at this.. http://www.dvic.org/Power-and-Control-Wheel.php Maybe it will show you what is going on... A person doesn't have to be hit for it to be domestic violence.. Link to post Share on other sites
FrequentFlyer Posted August 6, 2007 Share Posted August 6, 2007 = mad Yes, I'm getting mad reading your post. I am sorry for what you are going through. No one should have to be subjected to this kind of treatment. Like others, I see huge red flags in your post. Please take whatever steps are necessary to restore who you are...your identity, up to (and including possibly) leaving this situation. And let me be clear: that's not quitting. Stop trying to find the silver lining. This sounds bad. Link to post Share on other sites
Author hdnkorul Posted August 7, 2007 Author Share Posted August 7, 2007 We saw the counselor yesterday and it went very well. I think it was a rude awakening for him to realize, YES, he has been abusing me. Verbal abuse is just as bad as Physical abuse but the pain is very deep and takes longer to heal. He seemed like he felt bad about what he had done...I almost thought I saw a tear. But I don't want to believe anything. I want to see action and how he will be in another episode we may have. I'm keeping a journal on everything he's doing...just in case. But I truly hope if even not with me, he will learn something from all of this... Link to post Share on other sites
quankanne Posted August 7, 2007 Share Posted August 7, 2007 I'm not meaning to offend you.....or even MY own kind....but....an intelligent women, such as yourself, (and Mrs. Moose), would know how to be submissive without relinquishing her strength. I don't know if "submissive" is the word we're looking for ... maybe "open to compromise" would fit better? Because "submissive" often is mistaken for "subjugation" and power plays are insinuated, while "compromise" means willing to look at things and keeping in mind what's best for the relationship, not the individual. Just a thought ... I may come off as the king of my castle on this forum. The reality is, I know who's in charge at home......you wouldn't be able to tell as a third party observer.......but that's how it truly is. yep, the mama from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" had it right: "the man is the head of the house, but the woman is the neck. And the neck can make the head turn any way it wants ..." :D:D Link to post Share on other sites
PandorasBox Posted August 7, 2007 Share Posted August 7, 2007 We saw the counselor yesterday and it went very well. I think it was a rude awakening for him to realize, YES, he has been abusing me. Verbal abuse is just as bad as Physical abuse but the pain is very deep and takes longer to heal. He seemed like he felt bad about what he had done...I almost thought I saw a tear. But I don't want to believe anything. I want to see action and how he will be in another episode we may have. I'm keeping a journal on everything he's doing...just in case. But I truly hope if even not with me, he will learn something from all of this... Yes, his actions are going to have to speak alot. I'm talking about at home with you in your marriage, not just acting like it does in the chair of the counselors office. Could be he has seen the light and it might make a huge turn around with time and lots of work, then again it might be his manpiultive way to convince the counselor he is sorry, kind of like he is putting on a show. I hope thats not the case. Controling people can be good at manipulation too. Its good you're keeping a journal of things going on. Link to post Share on other sites
Author hdnkorul Posted August 9, 2007 Author Share Posted August 9, 2007 Well, it was only a matter of time before I say something that would trigger him, but in a way I almost wanted to provoke an incident just to see how he would respond. We were on our way to see our financial advisor when I pulled out a sheet of paper with our goals on it. Then he started to get angry in the car and said it would have been nice if you had shared these goals with me or we went through it together! Then I said I'm sorry but these were the goals we had talked about before. It's nothing new. Then he says, don't be sorry, one day you will be sorry, when I make the money and you stay home! that's when you'll be sorry. I didn't say anything and in my mind I was thinking...whatever....dream on...I'll never give you that satisfaction! But after we got out of the car he cooled down and after we were done and got back in the car he said, next time will you please share things with me before you do them? What does that mean? Usually he would be all pissy and mad and not talk to me all the way home. But this time he didn't do that? Did he pass this test or not? Link to post Share on other sites
Moose Posted August 9, 2007 Share Posted August 9, 2007 test 1 Danger, Danger, Danger!!!! What are you thinking??but in a way I almost wanted to provoke an incident just to see how he would respondAre you trying to end this marriage, or are you sincerely trying to fix it? Going about it this way is only going to make matters worse. People DO NOT CHANGE OVERNIGHT.What does that mean? Usually he would be all pissy and mad and not talk to me all the way home. But this time he didn't do that? Did he pass this test or not? It means he's making a conscience effort. Your tests are only going to piss him off.....I can't tell you what to do, or how to handle this, but I can offer you my opinion. And that is that you're going about this ALL wrong.... Link to post Share on other sites
Author hdnkorul Posted August 9, 2007 Author Share Posted August 9, 2007 Well, I didn't whip out the paper on purpose. I didn't mean to test him, In the middle of telling him I brought our goals....it hit me oops...but maybe this can be a test. I honestly want to make this work. I want to give him a chance or else I would have been gone a long time ago. I just want to make sure he's making an effort. And I wanted to know if this was the start of that...or not.... Link to post Share on other sites
Moose Posted August 9, 2007 Share Posted August 9, 2007 Well, I didn't whip out the paper on purpose. I didn't mean to test him, In the middle of telling him I brought our goals....it hit me oops...but maybe this can be a test.Then I misread your earlier post.....it read as if you did this on purpose.... I just want to make sure he's making an effort. And I wanted to know if this was the start of that...or not....It sounds like to me he is. Then again, I'm not riding in the back seat. These things take time. Some come out of it quick....some take years, (I'm proof of that)....the ball is in your court as to whether or not you're willing to stick it out for the long haul..... One thing I do know.....Mrs. Moose stuck it out with me for the long haul, for that, our marriage has NEVER been stronger even with our differences.... Link to post Share on other sites
Author hdnkorul Posted August 9, 2007 Author Share Posted August 9, 2007 i hope you're right. i'm doing the best i can in trying to be patient and stick it out. i just hope he never physically hurts me. the scars i have inside will take time to heal but the more he tries and i see progress, the faster the healing and the happier we can both become... Link to post Share on other sites
Mustang Sally Posted August 9, 2007 Share Posted August 9, 2007 I read (obviously) a lot of BAD things about your situation and H in what you have posted. So much so, that it leaves me wondering (even if you are no 'quitter') why you would possibly be staying. What are the GOOD things about your M, if any? Everything you've said is pretty unambiguous thus far, in my opinion. Just trying to see the situation more fully. Link to post Share on other sites
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