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I have no idea whats going on.

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So i have no idea what is going on. The other day i was haning out with this friend of mine, we were out having a few drinks when she said she was going to a bbq. and she wanted me to come, i said no because i didnt know the people that were having the bbq, she said that was cool and she would phone later that night and we would hang out latter, and that was cool. So i stayed at the bar for a while, I ran into some friends and we were haning out and they knew the same girl and they phoned her and she came over and we started haning out. She was flirting with this other guy but he was having nothing of it so she ended siting in my lap and started flirting with me. After that her and i went to another bar had a drink and then we walked home, we got to her door and i said good night and i asked her if she would want to hang out next week, she said sure and i said iwould txt. or call her this week to make sure we are still on for next week. I said i couldnt hang out this week because i was bussy, wich i was until yesterday, my plans got cut short and i ended back in town early, so i ended up going out because a mutual friend of ours was getting married and she was going out for one last night so i went out and not knowing that she was going to be there wich was cool but the thing was she gave me the cold sholder the hole night, she didnt say anything to me or even look me in the eye. I dont know if i didnt do something or did i say something or did i miss something. So the question is should i contact her or should i jsut let it go?

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you told her you were busy and she catches you going out.. can't you see what's going on?? she thinks you've lied to her and that you didn't want to go out with her.. i think you should call her to explain the situation... in her eyes, you were lying to her. that's about it..

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