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Q - how long before calling (story)

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Hey all, I was looking for some advice. Let me tell you the whole situation first.


This weekend I was in a close friend's wedding. There was a bridesmaid (i will call her E) whom I had never met before.


Well, at the reception/dance E and I were talking and spent most of the evening near each other, and everything went great, there was something there right away. after the reception (which was at a local hotel) everyone was upstairs on the floor we had rented and it was quite loud and a crazy party, lots of drunks and such, so she and i left and went for a walk. we came back really late, around 4:00, and i stayed in her room with her (nothing like that... we did kiss but nothing more). So, in the morning when I took her home neither of us were feeling well, having had a little too much to drink the previous night. Anyway, to make a long story short i forgot to ask for her number, even though it was clear she wanted to talk after the weekend was over. I guess I didn't think about it, since we have a mutual very good friend it will be no problem to get her number. I just for some reason really dropped the ball and didn't ask her.


She did talk to my friend's wife (the bride) yesterday and said she had a good time with me, so I think she would still want me to call. I hope she's not put off that I didn't ask for her number, but I do have it now and was thinking about when to call, and what to say about it. I feel bad, obviously she probably wondered why I didn't ask. But it went really great, we were really into each other, there's no way I can just forget about it and not call her.


So, my questions are two I guess. First, how long should I want before giving her a call (this all happened saturday night/sunday morning, today is monday). Second.. what should i say about not asking her before? I know it's wierd, i can't believe i didn't get it but... that's what happened. Anyway, thanks for any help you could give me... she is a really nice girl and I want to be careful about her.


Thanks again.

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Considering you didn't ask her directly for her number, I would call her right away so that she knows YOU'RE definitely interested. Call her tonight or the next night, but I wouldn't wait much longer then that.


As for why you didn't get her phone number, just tell her the truth. You guys were hung over and getting her number kinda slipped your mind because you knew that you could definitely get it from a friend. If she's a nice girl like you say, she'll understand. It's no biggie. Good luck!


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If you want to call her, call her. There's nothing a girl hates more than a guy who waits around before calling.


As for why you didn't ask her for her number, why do you need to mention it? If you want, you can just say, I forgot to ask you so I

got it off XXX - hope you don't mind.


Good luck!

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Thank you all for your advice. I will definitely call her tonight then. I don't want her to think I am not interested.


I just wanted to be careful, I have dated semi regularly recently but it had been a long time since there were sparks with someone like there were with her. Wish me luck :)

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Glad to hear that you are going to call her tonight! Isn't it great when you meet someone and just instantly click? I love experiences like that. I have had many experiences like that and each one of those people have turned into very close friends. One is also my true love. :) You are in my thoughts. Good luck!


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well, i hope you are right about everything.


part of me is not sure she is still interested... she seemed kind of put off in the morning, but i'm sure neither of us were feeling well and neither had gotten much sleep. It was a contrast, because she was quite agressive at the wedding reception and after.


i dunno, i am all nerves right now :) I hope i'm just overthinking things!

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Don't sweat it Karana. I am sure you are just nervous about it all. She might have been put off in the morning because if you think about it, she did just spend the night (even though nothing happened) with someone she just met. Put the alcohol factor into things and that makes it even more akward. She probably said and did things she normally would not say or do in a sober state. Hey, you'll never know if she's into you unless you pick up that phone. Let us know how it goes with her on the phone tonight. Good luck! :)


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well... sigh.


I had called my friend last night to get this girl's number, and he gave it to me. So I got home tonight and finally worked up the nerve to call her, but it wasn't the right number!


So, that doesn't help me much. I can't get in touch with my friend again, he was the groom at this wedding so of course they are gone on their honeymoon. That means the earliest I can call them is Thursday. I hope she's not going to be mad or sad or anything.. that will be 5 days since I saw her last... I think she would be ok with it, but... it doesn't help my nerves situation any! gulp.


Well... no more news as of yet. I guess she will understand when I call her, but I hope she isn't wondering what is going on for these couple of days. Sigh, if i had only been level and remembered to get her number... :(

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