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How do you go from kissing one minute to mia the next?


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I am in desperate need to vent and to get advice so please help me...


There is this kid named James. We go to college together (both sophomores) and we live about two and a half hours away from eachother at home. Second semester it was known that James liked me. I was involved with someone else and in turn did nothing about it. Over this summer James has every once in a while left a comment on facebook or called me or something. He called me one day and wanted to plan for him to come visit. Because at this point I was now single, I was so excited about him coming. He decided that he would drive two and a half hours... stay at my house.... and then leave the next day before he had to go to work. He took off work btw to come visit me.

Basically we had a great time. We went to a party that my friend had and wound up making out a few times that night. He slept over. Things were great. The next morning we woke up and he had his arm around me... we just layed there talking... had breakfast... got him directions for back home... and then he asked me to walk him to his car because my 12 year old brother was in the house by us. I walked him out and he kissed me goodbye and said what a great time he had and how he wants to come back again. He then left.

Two days went by and I heard from him. He left me a comment on facebook saying to let him know when he could come back. I wrote him back saying he was welcome anytime and then that was it. He knows that I work alot and said anytime that I was free to call him and we would set something up. A few days later I called him and left him a message. He called me back a few times two days later but I didnt have my phone on me. So I called him back yesterday and he didnt answer and hasnt called me back yet.

I am really confused because I thought he was interested and instead isnt calling me back or answering right away and waiting a few days to call me back. Here is my question: Should I just give up? Do you think he interested still? What could I have possibly done wrong?


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5 day rule : If he hasn't called by the 5th day , he is not interested.


Men will advise the 7~ day rule . Take either one and apply...

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