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Just friends?

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I had this thing for a guy a couple of years ago...but not anymore and now he's one of my best friends. I really care about him, and we've always had kind of an on again off again thing where we're slightly into each other. I was pretty sure that was over.

We were hanging out in the park the other night and kind of joking around with each other. All of a sudden he sort of swoops over and leans in towards me. It took me a second to figure out what he was doing...and then I kind of freaked out. I jumped about a foot.

He basically backed off and I apologized over and over and over even though I didn't have anything to apologize for. The rest of the night was kind of okay but really awkward...then we both had to leave but couldn't really tear ourselves away. Then we finally left.

I'm really confused.

How is he feeling now?

How does that affect anything?

What do I do?

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