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friends with benefits


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i met this guy on the net, became really good friends. he was flirty with me and really sweet. he came over for a few weeks, spent every day and it seems everynight with him. towards the end of his stay, i asked him what we are.. he said acquaintances. that sortas hurt cause i really thought we'd at least be friends. saw him online a few days after he left, things werent the same.he told me its not me, he is just tired and fed up with work stuff. now i dont know how to save the friendship because he is really a dear friend and i miss the old way we used to relate to each other. while he was here, he didnt say anything about liking me, but he was damn sweet and couldnt stop staring at me.am obssessing over this and i am scared that in the process i will lose the friends also, not just the lover

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Sometimes we have to be careful who we call a dear friend. A true friend will treat you the way you treat them. You said this guy "came over for a few weeks, spent every day and it seems everynight with him. towards the end of his stay, i asked him what we are.. he said acquaintances. that sortas hurt cause i really thought we'd at least be friends." Obviously he is not thinking of you the same way. I don't mean to hurt you but to open your eyes a bit. He probably enjoyed the time you guys spent together and thinks you're sexy but not enough to make him commit to you.


I don't know how long you waited to have sex with him; but if you give it up too soon you can expect this from guys. At least he isn't a liar and leading you on.

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