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Can I find peace at work?... ?

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I feel like a freaking test subject at work! Like I'm being watched and my telephone is being tapped.

I think I'm being talked about too!!

I work for my bf's aunt and uncle, but his aunt runs the office. They are brother and sister w/ my bf's dad. Everything is great... except one thing...My bf's family is the type of family that don't get along and everyone talks about each other behind their back. It's getting really annoying too, because I've heard his aunt talk about my bf's father in despicable ways. I've been with my bf for 3.5 yrs, and his parents have been pretty good to me. There have been a few incidents with his parents that I didn't appreciate, but everything is said and done and it's all squared away. I don't appreciate hearing things about my future parent in-laws. I think it's very mean of her to do this. I don't want to say anything either, because I don't want to lose my job. I make a pretty decent hourly wage, and I'm not giving that job up. Also, I don't have an issue with her, she's nice to me. She can be somewhat moody here and there, but she's pretty friendly towards me. I don't mean to talk about people, but this issue has been driving me insane, and every time I go to work I'm always anxious and uncomfortable. I just wanted to know what other people would do in my shoes? And possibly give me some advice on how to find peace at work?

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If your not married to the guy yet . Stay completely out of what this or that person has to say about each other . I would just write off work as work and home as home. period.

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