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promiscous friend


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I have a wonderful friend whom I have grown up with. I am 21 years old and she is 23. We both grew up in Christian homes. Our parents know each other very well. We are very close. She started beign promiscous about 3years ago. She has had multiple partners at one time. I want to help her. She doesnt use protection. She sleeps with total strangers. Men she meets out on the street. People she meets through friends. I am afraid for her. She is a good friend to me but she has slept with my brother and my boyfriends cousin. I am scared she will try something with my boyfriend. I trust my boyfriend but i dont trust her. I have spoken to her many times about not behaving this way. She just doesnt listen please help

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You know what they say...you can't help someone until they recognize that they have a problem. Although having many partners isn't necessarily bad in my opinion, doing so without protection is reckless behavior.


There is a certain type of suicide attempt...I think it's called indiret suicide or "death darers" or somthing, where people try to kill themselves through reckless behavior. How can you have sex so frequently and unprotected, not knowing that you might die? She definately needs help. You should ask her outright if she wants to die...in suicide intervention, that's called "naming the taboo." It makes the suicide attempt more real for the attempter and allows them to think of the consequences. You might want to call a local suicide hotline to ask for info on how to help her. Good luck.

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