Woggle Posted August 10, 2007 Share Posted August 10, 2007 I am trying to find out if they exist. Link to post Share on other sites
Trialbyfire Posted August 10, 2007 Share Posted August 10, 2007 Yes, my ex-MIL and I are still good friends and she still considers me part of the family. We got along before, during and after the marriage. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
nellstar Posted August 10, 2007 Share Posted August 10, 2007 My SIL gets along with my mother. 2 out of 3 of my SIL. Link to post Share on other sites
hotgurl Posted August 10, 2007 Share Posted August 10, 2007 I for the most part get along with my MIL. Sometimes she can be irritating like when she argues with you about directions. Or gets some crazy idea in her head and won't let it go. Like insisting there are BYOB resturants in VT. but this bugs my BF more than me. Link to post Share on other sites
browneyedgirl66 Posted August 10, 2007 Share Posted August 10, 2007 My MIL and me are great friends.She thinks I am great(if she only knew...j/k).But in all fairness, I work hard at the relationship with her for the sake of my children and thier father. Link to post Share on other sites
love necessity Posted August 10, 2007 Share Posted August 10, 2007 I am trying to find out if they exist. I get along with both of my bf's parents...SURPRISED??!! There have been a few incidences with them though, that I didn't appreciate. I got into it with his sister once and they seemed surprised. WOW!!! I'll give you a little background story of his "bitchy" sister and you tell me what you think... Here goes, it's kind of a long story, but I would love to hear your take on all of this. It's kind of old news, but still. My bf has two sisters. One is 17, Jen and the other just turned 19, Kate. I've know them since they were 13 & 15. Well, Kate has been a big bratty BiTcH since the day she turned 18!! I thought she was nice, until I found out otherwise. Her and my bf don't get along. His parents treat her like she's a little angel. When she was 16, she ran away and was sleeping with a 29 year old man who was the manager where she worked. When she was 17 threatened to kill her dad, and tried to call the police on them for trying to keep her home. Then when she turned 18 moved in with this guy, who she claimed abused her and her parents spent thousands of dollars in court trying to prosecute. What a bitch!!! And what do ya know? She's a spoiled rotten brat!! She graduated in June of 06', moved out of her parents house as soon as she hit 18 a month later. No one heard from her for about 3 mos, then one day my bf comes home and says that she checked herself into a mental hospital, and was moving back home. So she gets out and moves back home. She gets put on meds and a week later is back with that stupid ass. Three months go by again, and still hardly no Kate? She called once in awhile, but that's about it. Just disregarding her parents were probably worried sick, b/c of her mental issues. So, three months go by and she moves back in with her parents, claiming this guy beat her up really bad. I didn't see her, b/c whens she's around I try not to go anywhere near that house. So anyways things are finally back to normal and she's living at home. A few months go by and she meets some other guy. Claims she met him at work too. He's also like 10 yrs older, I guess she likes older men? So she gets involved with this guy. I met him in May. So did her parents and my bf. He seemed like a nice guy. She told us he was 24, and he played along, but eventually found out because she moved in with him, got pregnant, lost the baby, and ended up moving back home because she found out he had a felony. Was living at home for about 1 mos, met another guy, significantly younger, 21, who seemed really nice. He moved away about 2 mos ago to finish up some training, and will return in 2 yrs. She even talked about marrying him. OMG!!! Then about 1 mos ago, she ended up back with Mike and they got another apt together 6 days ago. WOW!!! Does anyone want to make any predictions about what's next?? She has always been the same mean old Kate basically since I met her, even most her family think she's a big bitch! I don't know what her issue is, but she has mental problems. And don't feel sorry for this girl at all, because we've all tried to help her, but she treats us all bad. Her parents even bought her a new car, and she still doesn't respect them. Do you think they are being too nice? They keep letting her come and go, like it's some fun house. I understand that it's their daughter, but where's the line? Will she ever be responsible if they keep doing this?? Link to post Share on other sites
love necessity Posted August 10, 2007 Share Posted August 10, 2007 What's wrong with yours? Link to post Share on other sites
Melovator Posted August 11, 2007 Share Posted August 11, 2007 My I guess ex-defacto-mother-in-law:laugh: is an amazing source of strength and encouragement and humour to me. She has known me for 14 years and despite all that's happened between my ex and me she always says "You and I have our own relationship." and her other one is "You know me, I always make up my own mind." She has her ways but always a good heart and to be honest any issues I've ever had with her or any member of my ex's family was due to his issues with them, now I don't have to hear about his issues I can enjoy his mother's company so much more. She is never interfering, but offers suggestions respectfully. She told me a couple of weeks ago she was proud of the way I had handled all of the cr*p that's happened, and then this woman who I consider to be incredibly strong said she didn't know if she could have handled it as well. Of course she had to break my heart a little by adding "and you never know what will happen in the future." And this is the woman I asked to keep my engagement ring and who took the dress I was going to get married in to goodwill. I am lucky and proud to know my 'mother-in-law'. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
LucreziaBorgia Posted August 11, 2007 Share Posted August 11, 2007 I get along fine with my MIL - during my marriage, and even through the divorce. She is a fantastic grandmother, and has been a great help to us through all of these years. I guess I got lucky. I hear plenty enough 'evil MIL' stories. Link to post Share on other sites
quankanne Posted August 11, 2007 Share Posted August 11, 2007 I got along all right with mine, but I think it helped that we lived halfway across the country from my in-laws, and across the state from my folks – there was no unwanted interference. I think that DH had the better MiL, because we rarely heard from his mom (don't get me wrong, she loved her kids, but never made any real move to stay in contact with them, which made me feel bad for him). My mom, on the other hand, would spend time on the phone with him and would hang out with him whenever we saw each other. She pretty much loved him like one of her own, and did a fine job of showing him. When we went home last weekend for a memorial service, he told me that my mother was "a jewel," which surprised the heck out of me. the one woman I loved dearly was an ex-boyfriend's mom. Even after we stopped dating and I would spend summers home from college working for him, we got along. Even after I got married, I'd go spend time with her because she was so great. We used to tease my ex that his mother loved me more than him, because he could be a handfull at times. Link to post Share on other sites
luvstarved Posted August 25, 2007 Share Posted August 25, 2007 Gee I guess plenty exist, but not so much for me! I LIKE my MIL and I DO get along with her but there are major undercurrents of resentment, passive aggressive crap, intrusiveness, etc. She can barely hear but refuses to wear a hearing aid, which doesn't much matter because she agrees with everyone to their face... I get along with her for my H's sake but his relationship with her, in my mind, is nearly pathological. She spoiled him rotten and to this day drops everything to do his bidding. He defends her even when she is wrong. When I complain that she is being intrusive, he says I am just jealous and says everything she does is "a great help". Like, breaking my washing machine twice because she can't figure out how to use it but presses controls wildly until it SEEMS to work, doing laundry when I have asked her not to (she does not stain treat or check pockets so things are always permanently stained or ruined, recently found my soaking wet ipod in there), cleaning kids' rooms when I have asked her not to, rearranging cabinets and closets, buying my daughter seasonal stuff before I get the chance (swimsuits, sandals in summer), spoiling my daughter ("You're the boss!!"), telling my H he is always right...one day she even told me out of the blue that if we ever broke up she would take his side in court even if she had to lie. I primarily resent her because I hold her responsible for my H not ever growing up and setting him up to follow in her narcissistic footsteps. I really do feel that my H tries but he has always had everything done for him without complaint, was never expected to do anything in return, was led to believe that he was better than other people and whenever anybody said the slightest thing to him, according to her they were mean and jealous and all that (so now he thinks the most innocuous remark is a major malicious insult). So, at some level, he has expectations from a relationship that just aren't realistic and I end up being painted as unkind and unsupportive. And guess who sees it that way, too? Further, H runs to her and blabs whatever he feels like. If I specifically ask him to hold a confidence from her, he will turn right around and spill his guts to her. Then, if I complain about something she did, then the next time he and I have a tiff, he's off to her with "you should hear what she said about YOU". Plus, he has mentioned a couple of times that he had gotten "sexual signals" from her, which I don't understand but it totally gives me the creeps... In short, I get along with her but feel there is something extreme and unnatural going on and I blame her for her son's interpersonal difficulties... Link to post Share on other sites
lovelorcet Posted August 25, 2007 Share Posted August 25, 2007 Every partner I have ever had, have always adored my mother. She really is a great woman. I still get along really well with my STEXW's whole family. Her mom invites me over all the time for coffee Link to post Share on other sites
Citizen Erased Posted August 25, 2007 Share Posted August 25, 2007 I get along better with my boyfriends parents then I do my own. His mother I have coffee with at least 3 times a week, we go shopping etc. And his dad sees me as another daughter. I get along really well with both of his sisters as well, I really am a part of the family. Why do you ask this Woggle? Link to post Share on other sites
Rosalynd Posted August 30, 2007 Share Posted August 30, 2007 I get along with my MIL...oddly, it's my own mother I can't get along with. Link to post Share on other sites
kadstar83 Posted September 15, 2007 Share Posted September 15, 2007 I don't think they exist either!! I hear you loud and clear! hehe! Link to post Share on other sites
Curmudgeon Posted September 15, 2007 Share Posted September 15, 2007 My wife gets along fine with my mother. My mother died seven years before we married but has "been in touch" with my wife. She also gets along with my former mother-in-law with whom I have a good relationship and she's very much alive. She just turned 90 this week! As for my mother-in-law, my wife's mother, I haven't seen nor spoken to her in nine years and she lives locally. But my wife doesn't get along with her either. You can't! Link to post Share on other sites
brooke 11 Posted September 15, 2007 Share Posted September 15, 2007 my mother in law is my mother's emotional twin with the exception that my own mother would never expect me to buy her expensive items and pay for her holidays. i see her about 5-6 times a year and i think that's more than enough given that my dh thinks it's overkill ironically however, she has tried to make some form of alliance with me as she has had a falling out with her "ex-favourite" daughter in law. do i trust her? no but then again she can't affect my life so i just let her be. Link to post Share on other sites
Lostgurl Posted September 15, 2007 Share Posted September 15, 2007 I haven't met my current MIL yet. I won't meet her until she comes to visit her new grandson/granddaughter next spring. I've talked to her on the phone a few times and she emails me every now and then. She seems like a very nice woman , I'm sure that we'll get along great. My ex-MIL on the other hand was a nightmare from hell. She has the voice of an angel, and comes off as sweet. But she's the devil in disguise. Her son's puppet master . She was the cause of alot of our problems in our marriage. Those two have a sick and disturbing relationship. I think she's just as sick as her son. Link to post Share on other sites
LucreziaBorgia Posted September 15, 2007 Share Posted September 15, 2007 I just now got off the phone with my stbxH's mother. Honestly, I don't know how I can go through what I'm going through without her. Sometimes MIL's can be real pains in the ass, and sometimes they can be an absolutely invaluable member of the family. I guess I got lucky, and even luckier that even through the divorce she is still a source of strength and support. Link to post Share on other sites
Trialbyfire Posted September 15, 2007 Share Posted September 15, 2007 I just now got off the phone with my stbxH's mother. Honestly, I don't know how I can go through what I'm going through without her. Sometimes MIL's can be real pains in the ass, and sometimes they can be an absolutely invaluable member of the family. I guess I got lucky, and even luckier that even through the divorce she is still a source of strength and support. Your ex-MIL is like mine. We remain good friends. I still call her Mom, even after the divorce because it's what she wants and it doesn't bother me to continue on, status-quo with her. Link to post Share on other sites
Amy12345678 Posted October 1, 2007 Share Posted October 1, 2007 i get on much better with my boyfriends parents than my own, i'd go to them for advice over my own any day, much less controlling Link to post Share on other sites
rocketpixie Posted October 3, 2007 Share Posted October 3, 2007 My mother in law and I have a non-relationship. We don't talk much, but she's very nice and I respect her a lot. She doesn't push a friendship on me and I stay out of her business. I think it is a great relationship. I'm not sure how she feels. Link to post Share on other sites
ashelygirl Posted October 19, 2007 Share Posted October 19, 2007 I get along with my mother-in-law, sometimes. She drives my husband crazy, but it got better when we gave her grandchildren. Is it that bad with you? Link to post Share on other sites
4home Posted November 9, 2007 Share Posted November 9, 2007 I can't believe you all have good MIL I don't know what that is like:lmao: Link to post Share on other sites
Author Woggle Posted November 9, 2007 Author Share Posted November 9, 2007 I would be worried if my wife got along with my mother. Anybody that could actualy get along with her must be as screwed up as she is. Link to post Share on other sites
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